Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

Big Pharma CAUGHT in Kidney Dialysis Scam

I have a neighbor who works for DaVita, one of the largest kidney dialysis companies in the United States. It’s headquartered right here in Colorado where I live. One thing is clear from talking with her: if you’re looking to make money, then dialysis is THE cash cow. Currently, the American dialysis market is $24.7...

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[COVID-19] Could It Make You Blind?!

If there’s one word that describes COVID-19 (besides terrifying), I’d have to say it’d be peculiar. It came from nowhere… left thousands dead… and is STILL baffling all medical experts and scientists. And it’s not done yet. Researchers have just discovered that there’s another strange long-term effect to add to the list… It can make...

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Cigarette Toxin in Your Food?!

Dear Reader, I’m sure you, like many folks, know that there are numerous harmful chemicals in cigarettes. But a lot of people would be surprised to find some of the toxins found in cigarette smoke are also found in many of the foods they eat. One toxin in particular increases your risk from dying from...

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The Shocking Truth About Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Dear Reader, I’ve got a little quiz for you. We have two diseases. But one is a real, dangerous disease and one isn’t. The two diseases are high blood pressure and high cholesterol. One harms your brain, and the other HELPS your brain…. Can you guess which one is the dangerous disease and which isn’t?...

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[Ladies Must Read!] Beware These Deadly Drugs

Dear Reader, If you’re a woman over 50, chances are you’ve dealt with “the change”. You know, the one where your hormones drop… your temperature rises… and your energy plummets. And that’s why most women would do just about anything – including taking synthetic hormones – to relieve their menopause symptoms. But I’m here to...

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Feelings of Apathy May be a Serious Red Flag

Dear Reader, I have a few important questions for you… Do you ever find yourself not having much enthusiasm or concern in your day-to-day life? Or perhaps you’ve noticed these signs of apathy in someone you love? If so, I urge you NOT to chalk these off as “mood swings” or just a temporary “phase”....

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[Breaking] The Shocking Truth About Weight Loss Surgery

Dear Reader, I get it, I really do. You’ve tried everything possible and nothing seems to help with your weight loss. So, when your mainstream doc tells you about weight loss surgery… it finally gives you hope. But don’t believe everything he tells you. Because there’s something he’s not sharing… You see, having this radical...

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Put an End to Bloating!

Dear Reader, It’s no secret that your health starts in your gut. That’s why you’ve given up processed foods… and loaded up on whole, nutritious foods. But no matter how much you change your diet, you’re always bloated. The painful pressure and embarrassing gas are enough to make you miserable. Fortunately, there are other ways...

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“Secret Test” Diagnoses Heart Failure?

Dear Reader, Almost 400,000 people in the United States die each year from heart failure. It’s, quite literally, a heart-breaking statistic. While it’s not the leading cause of death, heart failure is certainly is certainly close to the top. So, we have to ask ourselves – why? See, knowing who IS at risk and who...

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Is Your Brain the Answer to IBS? [Incredible!]

Dear Reader, Ask a mainstream doctor what to do about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and they will shrug their shoulders. What’s worse, some mainstream docs don’t even think IBS is a real condition! And then there are others that hand you pills that are LOADED with extensive side effects. Well, let me tell you, IBS is...

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