Popular Painkiller Ups Stroke Risk 3X?!
Dear Reader, You would think that the safest drugs are the ones you can walk into any grocery store and pick up. But that just isn’t true. Over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers have been linked to all sorts of stomach and kidney issues. If you have diabetes, one of these drugs could TRIPLE your risk of having a deadly...
Miracle Vitamin Destroys Breast Cancer?! (8 Cents a Day)
Dear Reader, What’s the only thing worse than having breast cancer? The barbaric ways your mainstream doctor will treat it. First up are tests and biopsies. Then the sickening cancer drugs and surgeries that will put you in serious physical and emotional pain. But you shouldn’t have to endure these agonizing treatments. Now you don’t have to. ...
The Best Way to Fight Any Virus
Dear Reader, The truth is, mainstream medicine has NOTHING that will help you when it comes to a virus. Sure, antibiotics work against bacteria, but those viruses are tough critters to fight. And the meds they dole out when you’re in this predicament are next to useless. You might wonder, in the world of modern medicine, why isn’t there a better...
Slash Type 2 Diabetes 40%!
Dear Reader, Few things in life are free. Most of the time you get what you pay for…. But — what if I told you that you could do just a little bit of work and get a BIG payoff for your health? Especially if you are worried about (or have) diabetes. Would you take it? I’m talking about weight loss. Now hold on, before you delete this message...
Powerful Alzheimer’s Fighter Hiding in Your Fridge?
When it comes to dodging Alzheimer’s, your odds are NOT good. And you’re not alone. According to new studies, by the year 2025, there will be a nearly 50 percent surge in the number of Americans struck down by the disease. So, in just a few short years, you will know many, many more people with Alzheimer’s...
[Warning] A Cancer Agent Hiding in Your Home?
Dear Reader, For years, the mainstream has blamed skyrocketing cancer rates on just three things: smoking… poor diet… and bad genetics. But now we know that’s just another one of their HUGE LIES. Because new research shows that a common household toxin can send your cancer risk into the stratosphere. And IT’S EVERYWHERE. Fortunately, there are a few...
Mysterious Disease STEALING Calcium from Your Bones?
Dear Reader, It’s pretty common knowledge: calcium is important for your You probably heard that calcium is important for your bones. But calcium is just a tiny part of the story. There are so many nutrients, like magnesium, boron, zinc… and many other vitamins and minerals. But no matter how many of those nutrients you put in your body, there’s one disease may be robbing you of all those vital vitamins and minerals. ...
A Youth Thief Hiding in Your Pantry?
How does aging faster sound? Ha! Any smart person would say “No Thanks!” to more wrinkles, slowing down, harder hearing, forgetting things… You probably already try and do all you can to slow the process down. Hydrate, exercise, use sunscreen, etc. But here’s the thing… There’s one HUGE hidden culprit that will put you on the fast train to aging. I’m talking about highly processed foods. These foods speed up your...
“After-Hours” Disorder Switches On Diabetes?
Diabetes; it’s a health wrecking-ball. See, it’s not just about the numbers on the meter telling you if your blood sugar is low or bouncing off the walls. Diabetes is dangerous — it increases inflammation and oxidative damage to your heart, your brain… your entire body. And ultimately, having diabetes means you’re at risk of having a much shorter lifespan. Which is why it’s important to...
“Brain Disease” 3X Deadlier?!
Dear Reader, There is a horrible disease that threatens to attack us as we grow older… It robs us from our ability to think on our own. It leads us to forgetfulness sometimes to the point where we can no longer remember names or places. In the end what it really takes away is what it means to be human. Worse still, scientists have recently...