“Brain Disease” 3X Deadlier?!
Dear Reader, There is a horrible disease that threatens to attack us as we grow older… It robs us from our ability to think on our own. It leads us to forgetfulness sometimes to the point where we can no longer remember names or places. In the end what it really takes away is what it means to be human. Worse still, scientists have recently...
Small but Powerful Fruit Relieves Itch!
Itchy skin. One of the few things that will drive you absolutely crazy. That annoying, skin-crawling feeling that you’d give ANYTHING to make go away. And the worst part is, your gut instinct – to scratch — only makes it worse. As do any number of treatments you might be told by your mainstream doc to try. Because no...
One Molecule the Secret to Reverse Aging?
I’ve said it many times before: the health of your cells determines your overall health. And while that is pretty easy to say, achieving good cell health is a whole other story. Until now… Because researchers have found that a certain nutrient is the key to keeping your cells happy… and reversing the aging process. In fact, it’s so powerful that some researchers call it the “molecule of...
Send Food Cravings PACKING
Over the years, you’ve probably heard that just about everything can cause you to gain weight. Mainstream health “experts” have blamed those extra pounds on your low metabolism… the foods you eat… and even cycles of the moon…. Yet, no one mentions one of the most common reason for weight gain: food cravings. If you’ve ever found yourself in a drive-thru line...
Is Your Brain Running on Empty?
Brenda looked drained when she entered my office. She sat down and told me, “I don’t know what to do, doc. I’ve been so tired. I can’t keep my eyes open past 8 pm.” But it wasn’t always like this for Brenda . She used to “run circles around the kids.” And when her lab work came back normal… I instantly knew what...
A Virus’s FAVORITE Season?
Which season is your favorite? Some people love summer and others prefer winter. But did you know viruses and bacteria also have their favorite season? In fact, one of season may be better for COVID-19 — and other respiratory viruses — to thrive… Maybe you’ve been following the news about COVID-19 and countries like Sweden. Sweden has seen a dramatic drop in COVID-19 death rates through the month of...
The Key to Preventing Alzheimer’s [A Must-Read!]
When it comes to Alzheimer’s, prevention is your number one strategy. I’m sure (especially if you’ve been following me for a while) you already know that your mainstream doc has nothing to offer you to stop Alzheimer’s. Even natural medicine has a difficult time when the disease has advanced. The key to Alzheimer’s is to PREVENT it from ever happening… and that means you need to start today. Here’s where you should begin. A very large study, published...
Hearing Loss: Your Brain’s SOS?
“What did you say?” If you ask that question more than a few times a day, chances are you probably have hearing loss. Hearing loss has a way of sneaking up without you noticing. And having hearing issues isn’t just frustrating… it can be downright dangerous. Here’s what you need to know. In a recent study, published in JAMA Otolaryngology, a panel of 31 hearing experts from more...
[Important!] Household Painkiller Destroying Your Liver
The longer you live, the more pain you experience. It is an unfortunate aspect of growing older. So it makes sense that people search for a way to calm down the pain (in joints, muscles…). But a recent study from the University of California Davis found that reaching for a certain type of painkiller is bad news…especially for one of your body’s...
Is This Drug Fast Tracking Dementia?
As you get older, there are several aspects of your health that you tend to worry about more. And one of them is your brain. Sure, your heart… joints… and blood sugar are all important… But without a healthy brain, you’ll lose every part – your health, your memories, and your independence – of the life you love. And the...