Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

[REVEALED] The CULPRIT Behind “High Cholesterol”

Dear Reader,  For decades, mainstream medicine has been playing the same old cholesterol con.   They’ve promised you that taking risky cholesterol lowering drugs (statins) and eating a heart-damaging low-fat diet will keep your cholesterol low…  AND make you almost immune to heart attack or stroke.    What’s worse, Big Pharma and Big Food have backed these recommendations with a bunch of bogus studies.   But you deserve...

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What You HAVEN’T Been Told About Steroids [WARNING!]

Dear Reader,  If you have asthma, arthritis, Crohn’s disease, a rash or just an infection – your mainstream doc is going to suggest you take steroids.   And I’m willing to bet you already know what a HORRIBLE idea that is.   So instead of taking them willingly, you go in and express your concerns about steroids.  And he’ll give...

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HIDDEN Alzheimer’s Symptom?! [BREAKING]

Dear Reader,  I’m sure you can picture what the typical Alzheimer’s patient looks like?   This is someone who can’t remember how to get back home. They’ve forgotten the name of a close family member, they frequently misplace things and sometimes – more often than not – they just can’t seem to find the right words.   And while, yes, this is what the vast majority if Alzheimer’s...

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Woman's Eyes

Sight-Saving Supplement STOPS Diabetic Blindness

If you’re diabetic, you probably know that you are at much greater risk for losing your eyesight.  Not staying in control of your blood sugar can DAMAGE the sensitive tissues in your eyes, causing your vision to fail as you age.  Now, you probably are already taking measures to help control your blood sugar. That may look like keeping a close eye on your diet, your...

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Red Meat

Why You NEVER Want to Skip Red Meat

When it comes to dietary advice, the mainstream has no shortage of dangerous suggestions.   They push diabetes-causing artificial sweeteners… heart-ruining low-fat diets… and tell you to avoid some of the healthiest foods on the planet.   But that ends today.   Because according to some new research, red meat – one of the mainstream’s biggest dietary villains – is COMPLETELY SAFE… and...

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“Forgotten” Vitamin Reduces Risk of DEATH by 20%!

Dear Reader,  There are many reasons you might follow me and my daily articles. I’m willing to bet one reason is because you want to take care of yourself and live your BEST life.   And believe me, I want to help you do just that.  Maybe you already exercise (when you can) and you do your best to eat well...

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Small but MIGHTY Superfood SLASHES Joint Pain!

Dear Reader,  Nothing is more debilitating than joint pain.  If you suffer with joint pain, then you know all too well that it’s a HORRIBLE downward health spiral.  And probably the worst effect is — the more pain you feel in your joints, the less you’re going to move. And the less you move, the MORE pain you’re going to have whenever you...

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Deadly Duo TRIPLES Your Mortality Risk!

Dear Reader,  You know that diabetes is bad for your health…  And you also know that heart disease isn’t any better…  But when you combine those two things, it gets worse!  And unfortunately, new research has uncovered some frightening information about this deadly duo…   A new study, published in the journal Circulation, found that those with heart disease AND diabeteshad a HIGHER risk of death within the next five years.   The study team found that having heart failure increased the five-year mortality...

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“Root Plant” ELIMINATES Viruses and Bacteria [BREAKING]

Dear Reader,  It starts with some sniffles. But before you know it you’ve got a cough and congestion that leave you feeling downright miserable.  Worse yet, your mainstream doc will tell you that there is nothing you can do to get rid of a viral infection like the common cold.   And when it comes to more dangerous illnesses (like the flu), he’ll just...

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Super Veggie SLAMS THE BRAKES on Diabetes!

Dear Reader,  If you have diabetes, chances are your mainstream doc has put you on a blood sugar drug (or two, or three…).  And I’m willing to bet these drugs make you feel terrible. That’s because they drain your energy and are chock-full of side effects.   Instead of loading up on these drugs that can not only endanger your health AND make...

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