THESE 6 Drugs Are Causing IBS?!
If you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you already know you would do just about anything NOT to have it. That’s why you’ve given up inflammatory foods… drink plenty of water… and never miss your evening walks. But as it turns out, there’s another factor to consider when it comes to your tummy troubles New...
Miracle Herb SLASHES Blood Sugar 60%?!
The moment you’re diagnosed with diabetes, most doctors give you two choices. You can get on prescription meds for the rest of your life… Or you can die. Meanwhile, some of the drugs they’ll prescribe have been linked to everything from serious infections to cancer. But what if you could control… or even reverse… your...
9-Minute Trick SLASHED Heart Risk
When it comes to preventing a heart attack or stroke, there’s probably nothing you wouldn’t do. That’s why you take your omega-3 supplements, try to eat a healthy diet, and keep your stress level down. But there’s something else you should be doing to SLASH your heart risk… It’s so simple that anyone can do...
Is This Household Device KILLING You?!
We’re a nation of ZOMBIES! Everywhere you go, people are just stumbling along with their faces buried in their phones and tablets. It’s like all that technology is slowly destroying their brains. Well, it is… and that’s just the half of it. Because it turns out that those technology screens may be shaving YEARS off...
[Attention Seniors!] THIS Condition is WRECKING Your Health
Most of my patients fret over getting the same diseases – diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. And with good reason. These chronic illnesses can strip away your health… your memory… and even your independence. But there’s another one you should be worried about. You see, this life-changing condition can put you on the fast track to...
[Alert] FDA Recalls ANOTHER Popular Drug
It seems like every time I turn around there’s a different Big Pharma drug being ripped off the shelves because it contains some deadly toxin. With all that money they take from seniors like you and med, you would think pharmaceutical companies would produce the safest products on the planet. But they DON’T. And the...
[Alert] Toxic Food Ingredient DESTROYING Your Liver
It’s no secret that our food supply is tainted with nasty chemicals like preservatives and artificial sweeteners. The FDA will tell you these are all “safe” for you to eat. But I’m here to tell you they’re NOT. In fact, there’s one FDA-approved food ingredient that’s proven to DESTROY your liver. And chances are you’re...
Busted! PROOF Statins Are a RIP-OFF
I’d call cholesterol-lowering statins the biggest joke in medicine. Except the joke is on all of us… and I don’t find that funny at all. For decades, Big Pharma and mainstream doctors have pushed the same lie about statins. They’ve told us these pills were saving our lives… preventing us from dropping dead from heart...
Ladies: You Need to FIGHT Your Doctor (If He Does THIS)
Ladies, I need to ask you a couple of tough questions… But, trust me, they might save your life. What would you say to your own daughter if she was in a bad relationship? I’m talking about a relationship where the guy had all the power… and she was afraid to speak her mind. You’d...
[Alert] New Blood Pressure Drug Risk Discovered!
Here’s the way the typical story goes: You walk into your mainstream doctor’s office. They sit you down and take your blood pressure. And if it’s even a little bit high… they force you on a risky drug to lower your blood pressure. And that is the beginning of a slippery slope. Because chances are...