Dr. Scott’s “Super-Ager” SECRETS
The way I figure it, you have two choices as you age: You can either be the type of senior who goes out dancing… cooks their own meals… drives… and volunteers. Or you can be the “old person” who can barely walk to the mailbox… eats whatever is convenient… and almost never leaves out of...
THIS Keeps Your Brain YOUNG (Easy!)
We all want to stay spry as we age. That way you can still play golf… spend hours tending your garden… and beat your grandson at cards. But what if I told you that staying sharp and active in your golden years came down to just one thing? Well, it does. It’s a special type...
Never IGNORE Your Blood Pressure (Here’s Why)
When I told Jim his blood pressure was dangerously high, he was quick with his reply: “I don’t believe that high blood pressure mumbo jumbo… I feel FINE.” After all, Jim came to see me because he thought I didn’t believe in that mumbo jumbo either. There’s a part of me that doesn’t. Drug companies make BILLIONS off of BP meds. That’s...
Is Your Liver at RISK?
When I was in medical school, we had a hard rule when it came to taking tests: if you didn’t know the answer… always choose the liver. That’s because your liver is the center of your body’s functions. It cleans your blood, stores energy, helps digest foods, and produces many of the chemicals necessary for you to stay health. The only problem? Most...
Top 4 Mood-Destroying Foods
It’s all too common this time of year. You go to a holiday party or a neighborhood get-together and shorty after you don’t just feel terrible… you’re in a really bad mood, too. You see, the foods you eat can REALLY impact your mood. But if you know what to avoid (and what to eat more...
Weird Grape STOPS Depression
We all get sad sometimes. But if you have depression, that sadness can change your life. It keeps you from your family… stops you from enjoying your hobbies… and even makes it hard for you to leave the house. And the mainstream is NO HELP. They just offer risky pills that can make things worse. But...
What the Flu REALLY Does to Your Body
The flu is no joke. Every year up to 50,000 people lose their live to this devastating infection… many of them seniors. Even worse? This year’s strain seems particularly bad. And when this nasty virus takes hold… you’ll know it. That’s why it’s important to know EXACTLY how the flu attacks your body… and what you can do about it. Today,...
Weird Signs Your Gut Is BROKEN
We’ve all had stomach trouble before. You know what I’m talking about. Those days you can’t stay off the throne… or worse, you can’t seem to “go”. These are the obvious signs that you have tummy troubles. But what if I told you that your achy joints… your mood swings… and even those extra pounds you’re carry are all signs that...
URGENT Drug Warning for Seniors
During the holiday season, we all know how too much a good thing can go bad. Too much of Uncle Doug’s eggnog… too much of Cousin Bertie’s pumpkin pie… and even too much of Uncle Doug and Cousin Bertie can jeopardize your health. Well, it looks like the mainstream has taken the “holiday” approach to a...
“Wash Away” Alzheimer’s With THIS Drink
When you think of Alzheimer’s prevention, the usual suspects come to mind. Things like exercise… avoiding sugar… and eating more fish are no-brainers. But there’s one more thing you should add to your brain-protection regiment. Because research shows that a certain forbidden drink can actually “wash away” the ROOT CAUSE of Alzheimer’s. And it’s something the mainstream...