Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

The BEST Brew for Antiaging and Weight Loss

The battle between coffee and green tea lovers has raged for decades. Both beverages have passionate, devoted fans. And each is convinced their drink of choice is THE elixir of life. But when it boils down to SPECIFIC benefits, is one better than the other? Is green tea or coffee superior at fighting aging? How...

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Feeling Forgetful? Nutrient Tag-Team EASES Your Mind

Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope you have something fun planned with a loved one. Speaking of plans—remember that time you FORGOT Valentine’s and were in the doghouse for days? Or maybe it was your keys, a doctor’s appointment, or even the waitress’s name that’s served you coffee for the last three years instead. Regardless of...

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2 for 1 Deal Protects Your Eyes AND Your Brain!

Yesterday, I warned you about a link between vision loss and cognitive impairment. It turns out common cataracts don’t just rob you of your vision… they could also do a number on your brain. But there was GOOD news, too. That decline may be reversible! If you missed that issue, CLICK HERE to catch up...

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Vision Thief Threatens MORE Than Your Sight

You wake up one morning, and something seems off. The world looks a bit hazy, as if you’re peering through a thin veil. Colors appear dull and muted. And reading becomes more difficult as words on the page blur together. You assume you just need a new eyeglass prescription, but the TRUE culprit has been...

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7 Ways to SLASH Your Bladder Infection Risk

Yesterday, I revealed how to spot a bladder infection. As I explained, these uncomfortable (and occasionally dangerous) infections are typically caused by E. coli bacteria sneaking up the urethra and traveling to the bladder. But determining IF you have one of these urinary tract infection (UTIs) can sometimes be tricky. Click here to catch up...

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6 Ways to SPOT a Bladder Infection

A bladder infection, or cystitis, is an inflammation of the bladder usually caused by a bacterial infection. It’s the most common type of urinary tract infection (UTI). Bladder infections shouldn’t be ignored. Many are mild, but they can become more serious if they aren’t addressed. And in the worst cases, they can turn septic (which...

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8-Hour Myth BUSTED [Sleep Like a Baby]

Let me paint you a picture. You’re lying awake at midnight, praying for sleep. After all, you KNOW how vital sleep is for your health. And, once again, you WON’T get your full eight hours. But the MORE you clock watch, the more stressed you become and the LESS likely you are to drift off....

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“Hobby Hack” Keeps Your Brain Fit for LIFE

Most folks are concerned about their brain health. That’s especially true as we age and “senior moments” become more common. In fact, it’s why I regularly share brain-boosting tips and tricks here in Living Well Daily. And taking the right supplements, getting good sleep, and exercising will always be at the top of the list....

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The TRUTH About Multivitamins REVEALED

I can’t tell you how often I’ve been asked if multivitamins are worth the money. “Don’t you just pee it all out?” they ask. My answer is always the same… If you’re a God among men who eats a perfect diet, gets the right amount of sleep, exercises daily, and practices stress reduction religiously, multivitamins...

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Mailbag: 7 Alzheimer’s Early Warning Signs

“I’ve been more forgetful lately. Is this a normal part of aging or could it be early Alzheimer’s?” – Martha Hi Martha, Feeling more forgetful can be frustrating. Sometimes, it can even be frightening. But it’s NOT necessarily an early sign of Alzheimer’s. You see, as we age, we accumulate a LOT of information to...

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