Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

Plastics Send THIS Disease Risk SOARING

They’re EVERYWHERE. From food packaging to clothing (yes, really) plastics are clearly here to stay. And that’s a big problem. There’s no denying that they’re convenient. But that convenience comes at a HUGE cost. Chemicals, like bisphenol-A and other plasticizers, send inflammation and oxidative stress levels soaring. And these creepy chemicals harm our cells and...

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Dodge Early Death with THIS 11-minute Commitment

There are things you WANT to be early for, like church, birthday parties, and flights. But your funeral is NOT one of them. New research reveals how easy it is to tell the Grim Reaper to take a hike. Because it turns out an 11-minute commitment could slash your risk of early death by 23...

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Feeling Forgetful? How to Tell if Its NORMAL or NOT

“Doc, am I losing my mind?!” If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked a version of that question, I could retire to a tropical island TODAY. But I’m NEVER surprised by the inquiry. After all, worrying about losing your mental abilities as you age is perfectly normal. So, today let’s look...

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"Super 6" Solution Slashes Dementia Risk 90%

Aging sure isn’t for sissies. It’s hard on EVERY system in your body. Everything from your heart to your mobility is affected. But perhaps the BIGGEST challenge of getting older is the damage Father Time does to your brain. Brain cells fade, and the brain itself gradually shrinks as you age. The good news is,...

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MAILBAG: Doc's TOP Tip for Healthy Aging

“What is the number one best thing I can do to maintain my health as I age?” – Robert, from Birmingham, AL Hi Robert, Whenever anyone asks me what the best things they can do to support their health as they grow older, I always tell them three things: exercise, sleep, and eat well. But...

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Food Industry’s Dirty Little Secret [REVEALED]

You know what they say the definition of madness is, right? It’s doing the same exact thing over and over again and expecting different results. Unfortunately, we’re locked into a similar loop with food manufacturers. Only in this case, it’s a “belief” loop. Every time they mess up, we believe the industry has FINALLY learned...

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Poor sleep causes pain in a seniors calf.

Bedroom Habit DOUBLES Risk of KILLER Condition

I don’t mean to alarm you. Well, on second thought, maybe I do. Because being nervous just might motivate you to make changes that could save your life. Peripheral arterial disease, or PAD, doesn’t get much attention. In fact, there’s a good chance you’ve never even heard of this dangerous (and potentially deadly) condition. But...

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Potent Pair CUTS Autoimmune Risk 22%

Think autoimmune diseases are rare? Or that your chances of developing one are like one in a million? Think again. Incredibly enough, over 23.5 million Americans alone battle these diseases already. Some you may recognize as being autoimmune – such as celiac and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. But many other common conditions fall under the autoimmune umbrella...

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5 Question Quiz Predicts Your Longevity?!

I don’t mean to alarm you. But this is IMPORTANT. You’re sleep habits could literally KILL you. But, by the same token, they could also lead to a LONGER life. A new study finds which side of that divide you’re on… and it could boil down to your answers to five simple questions. Let’s take...

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Senior man experiencing depression gazes out window.

Surprising Cellular Glitch TRIGGERS Depression

Remember when everyone insisted life would be “golden” once you hit retirement age? That’s when you FINALLY get to enjoy the spoils of all those years of struggle, raising a family, and working. Well, if you find yourself anything BUT happy, I can assure you – you’re not alone. Sure, you could point to a...

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