Natural Duo SPEEDS COVID recovery?!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, One day, when I was still in medical school, our professor brought in a Native American healer. He was ancient and needed help walking to his seat and sitting down. But he STILL had a commanding presence. And he said some things that day that will stick with me for...
MAILBAG: Should You Say "Yes" to the Flu Shot? (or Not?)
“What’s your take on the flu vaccine? I can’t decide if I should get it.” -Veronica, from Cleveland, OH Hi Veronica, The choice to get the flu vaccine or not is very personal. There’s no single answer that applies to everyone. But I can share some of the guidelines I use to help my patients...
Is Your Twitching Eyelid A WARNING Sign?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It happens without warning. Your eyelid suddenly starts to twitch. It’s just annoying at first. But after a while, it starts to worry you… “What’s causing it?” you wonder. Well, it turns out that a twitchy eyelid could be your body sending you a signal that something is wrong. As...
Common UTI Med CAUSES Future Infections?!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Maybe you feel that familiar uncomfortable pressure down below first… Or perhaps it’s the sudden need to DASH to the bathroom… and the burning when you go… that tips you off. Either way, you have yet ANOTHER urinary tract infection (UTI). And you know you’re in for at least a...
“Bookworm Benefit” Will Have You Reading Again
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, When I was younger used to read all the time. I’d wake up in the morning, sit up, and read for a while before starting my day. The book beside my bed was also a great way to unwind at the end of the day. Most nights, I read for...
Arthritis Drug DESTROYS Joints Faster [URGENT]
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’ve warned readers about the risks of taking over-the-counter NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen for years. Potential side effects such as ulcers, internal bleeding, kidney disease, and increased stroke risk are reasons enough to ditch these drugs. But the hazards are even greater for folks...
Common Exercise Mistake CLOGS Arteries
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Longtime readers will know I encourage everyone to get out and move their buns a bit. Exercise is one of the BEST tools we have to keep the grim reaper from knocking at the door! But as I’m out running and walking in my neighborhood this time of year I...
MAILBAG: Can COVID-19 Cause Memory Problems?
“I recently had COVID and feel like I’ve been noticing my memory slip more often than not. Could this be COVID related? Is there anything I can do?” – Heather, from Plano, TX Hi Heather, There are two things that can make memory issues more likely after a COVID-19 infection. The first is that the...
Tasty Trick BURNS Fat and BOOSTS Gut Health
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, “Weight-loss month” is nearly over. If you resolved to lose weight this year, I’m betting you started off January strong. But, if you’re like many of folks, those efforts are beginning to fade. Many of us make the mistake of coming on too strong at the beginning of January, so...
Pour Yourself a Mug of Diabetes PREVENTION
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Coffee has been the victim of a misinformation campaign for decades. The idea that java juice could be bad for your health began to bubble up around the turn of the 20th century. Folks checking into sanatoriums for burnout and other mental health issues were counseled that all “stimulants,” including...