Dementia risk drops dramatically with THIS move [STUDY]
It’s so subtle, you hardly notice at first. Perhaps you forget an appointment here or there. Maybe you misplace your keys or blank on a neighbor’s name. But then you forget something more significant. Like how to get home from a store or to pay the mortgage. And then it starts to hit home… Your...
Kidney problem risk reduced by eating more of THIS
People ask me all the time about protecting their brain or heart health. And everyone wants tips on how to tame blood pressure and control blood sugar. But no one ever asks how to protect their kidneys. Here’s why that’s a BIG problem… If you were to look at everyone in the United States right...
POTENT Combo Fights Frailty
If you live long enough, you will eventually become frail. When you’re frail, you’re vulnerable. You’ve lost your built-in reserves, so even minor changes, such as an infection, can trigger major declines in your health. You’re more likely to fall, experience medication side effects, have difficulty moving around safely on your own, and you may...
Surprising Solution SLASHES Heart Risk
Raise your hand if you’re worried about your heart risks. Everyone reading this should have their hand up. Why? Because heart disease is the most likely cause of death. And ladies, that INCLUDES you. Recently, women have caught up to men and have almost the same risk of dying from heart disease as guys. You’re...
HIDDEN Depression Trigger (Beware!)
There are plenty of reasons to feel sad these days. The global pandemic, violence, natural disasters, and divisive politics top the list. And we certainly HAVE seen an uptick in the number of people dealing with depression lately. But what if there was something else going on? What if your depression had NOTHING to do...
Potent Pair SLASHES Alzheimer's Plaques
Aging comes with lots of changes. We expect things like graying hair and wrinkles. But for some folks, an unexpected change takes place on the inside. And trust me, this ISN’T a club you want to be part of. Because if you’re in this group, your brain gets silently gunked up with a “sludge” called...
MAILBAG: Is COVID or the flu MORE dangerous?
“What’s more dangerous, the flu or COVID?” -Anette from Tallahassee, Florida Hi Anette, This is the million-dollar question right now, isn’t it? Let’s start with COVID: We don’t actually know how deadly COVID is because of vaccinations and the mask mandates that most people followed. Fortunately, we successfully dodged a lot of deaths because of...
Bad Breath Fix BANISHES "Dragon Breath"
You’re worried that you may have bad breath. So you breathe into your cupped hand to check. And you’re right. Your breath IS kicking. Sound familiar? We’ve ALL been there before. And there’s no reason to feel bad about having less than fresh breath from time to time. Occasional bad breath is perfectly normal. Maybe...
5-Minute Solution REVERSES Sedentary Damage
I’m sure you’ve heard the news in recent years about how harmful sitting is for your health. In fact, I’ve talked about it right here in Living Well Daily. Major health associations have likened sitting to smoking. And they’re right. Planting your bum on the couch to binge-watch your favorite TV show for hours or...
THIS Vitamin D Mistake Could KILL You
If you don’t know that you should be taking a vitamin D supplement, ESPECIALLY during the winter, I need to step up my game. I get it. You may be like me, full of the best intentions but sometimes lacking a little when it comes to follow through. Or you may feel like you spend...