Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

The Antidepressant Side Effect You CAN’T Ignore

The mainstream hands out antidepressants like breath mints these days. I call it Tic-Tac Medicine. Feeling blue? Try some Prozac. Anxiety causing panic attacks? Here’s some Lexapro. Not sleeping well? Pop some Paxil. Battling chronic pain? Zoloft should do the trick. Want to stop smoking? You get Celexa. And I’m willing to bet you’ve heard...

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Meditation Benefits Continue to GROW

I’ll admit it. Many of the folks promoting meditation in the past were hippy-dippy types. And the “woo” surrounding it could be a bit too much to take. But, ironically, those incense-burning, chanting New Agers were RIGHT about meditation’s BENEFITS all along. A growing pile of research leaves little doubt that meditation… sitting quietly for...

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A Holiday Stroll Is Good for Body AND Soul

It’s that time of year again. No, I’m not talking about the holidays. Not directly, anyway. It’s the weather I was referring to. Because, let’s face it, with the dropping temperatures it’s getting a lot harder to spend time outside. The cold and often unpredictable winter weather is practically an invitation to curl up on...

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SHOCKING Soda Study Will Make You Ditch Soft Drinks

In 2008 I sat down to write a book about the dangers of sugar. I remember scouring the internet for a health organization that clearly told people to stay away from it. The American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association, and the American Cancer Society failed the test. None made the dangers of sugar clear....

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MAILBAG: Move MORE to Ease Aching Joints

“I’ve watched my wife really start to slow down this past year. She’s always been active, but I wonder if her arthritis is making her not move as much. What can I do for her?” – Harry from Arlington, Texas ***** Hi Harry, Arthritis is the number one cause of disability in the world. And...

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“Belly” Solution STOPS Breast Cancer Spread

Getting diagnosed with cancer is terrifying. But do you know what makes it even MORE frightening? When the cancer spreads (metastasizes). Cancer doctors (oncologists) give cancers a rating between one and five, called a grade. It reflects how advanced the cancer is. In order to get a grade five, the cancer usually has to have...

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Vitamin Deficiency Drives Dangerous Inflammation

Inflammation is always cast as the bad guy. But the truth is, it has a critical job to do. When part of your body is damaged it’s inflammation that’s responsible for sending extra blood and immune cells to the area to begin the healing process. If you twist your knee, for example, inflammation gets switched...

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MAILBAG: Slow Dementia Down with THIS “Sugar Fix”

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, My wife has recently begun showing signs of dementia. Her doctor has put her on medicine to try and “slow the progression” but, if anything, she seems like she’s just getting worse. Is there anything we can do? –Martin from Durham, North Carolina Hi Martin, Some medications claim to slow...

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Common Weed Killer Causes IBD?

It always puzzles me how anyone thinks we can spray toxic chemicals on our crops and NOT have them affect our health! Because despite what food manufacturers may claim, chemical residues from pesticides and herbicides show up on (and IN) the conventionally grown food we eat. And research makes it clear that these creepy chemicals...

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All-Natural Solution FIGHTS Vision Loss

I think you’ll agree that aging should come with some perks. And chief among them is FINALLY having the time to relax and enjoy the retirement you earned. But that’s awfully hard to do if you’re losing your eyesight due to macular degeneration. Instead, your golden years become tarnished by having to focus on learning...

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