Saturated Fats Get a Memory Makeover
Think back to the last time you craved something rich and delicious—maybe it was a juicy burger, a sharp piece of cheese, or even just a creamy spoonful of butter. Whatever it was, chances are it contained saturated fat. We’ve been conditioned to see saturated fats as the enemy—something to be avoided at all costs...
Powerful Pomegranate Compound Boosts Health
With its beautiful ruby-red color and perfectly sweet-tart taste, it’s no wonder the pomegranate has long been beloved worldwide. Many cultures enjoy the delicious fruit fresh or in syrups, juices, jams, and spice blends. But the value of pomegranates goes well beyond their status as a tasty treat. The fruit holds a mythic status as...
The Strange Smile Link to Healthy Aging
I often write about oral health. And there’s a good reason for that. No, it’s not that I’m obsessed with everyone having a perfectly shiny set of pearly whites. I focus on oral care for an entirely DIFFERENT reason. It’s because what goes on in your mouth has a surprisingly large impact on your overall...
The SHOCKING Truth About HIDDEN Antibiotics
I bet you do your best to AVOID unnecessary antibiotics. After all, the overuse of these lifesaving drugs has led to antibiotic resistance. And the result is the emergence of superbugs that can cause dangerous (and even DEADLY) infections that resist all conventional medicines. But what if I told you that you were being force-fed...
The “No Workout” Method for Getting Fit
You’re not alone if you feel overwhelmed by the thought of adding exercise to your already-packed agenda. In fact, many folks get exhausted just thinking about working out. But if this is you, know that getting fit doesn’t HAVE to feel that way. You can get the benefit of workouts WITHOUT the worry. Here’s how…...
Common Nutrient Is Colon Cancer’s Kryptonite!?
Experts estimate that in 2024 alone, 611,720 Americans will die from colon cancer. That’s around 1680 souls lost a day. And your risk rises with age. That makes now… BEFORE you or a loved one gets sideswiped with an unexpected diagnosis… the time to think about this deadly disease. After all, one thing no one...
Mailbag: Knee Pain Solution STOPS the “OUCH!”
“My joints, especially my knees, have been hurting more. What can I do? It’s keeping me from moving a lot.” – Barbara Hi Barbara, It may seem counterintuitive, but carefully chosen exercise could be precisely “what the doctor ordered” to soothe chronic knee pain. Studies show the right activities can EASE the ache, allowing you...
Ulcer Solution Harnesses the Healing Power of Citrus
No one expects to develop a foot ulcer. That goes without saying. But if you have diabetes, the odds that you will are higher than you might expect. In fact, 60 percent of diabetics will develop neuropathy in their feet, eventually leading to one. However, poor glycemic control isn’t the only trigger for foot ulcers....
Move More to Hurt Less? Here’s The TRUTH
It’s only natural to avoid moving when you’re in pain. We’ve all been there, gritting our teeth and doing our best to remain still. After all, the last thing you want to do is make the pain WORSE. But this is one time when following your instincts could be a BIG mistake. It could take...
“Nature Pill” Sends Mental and Physical Health SOARING
A stroll through the park or doing some gardening are enjoyable pastimes for many of us. Unfortunately, they’re ones we often don’t get to do nearly enough. But new research reveals why you should MAKE TIME for these nature-based hobbies. Because, it turns out, as you age your HEALTH could depend on it. Here’s why…...