Living Well Daily

Man sitting on bench of MRI machine.

“Bacteria Secret” Key to DEFEATING Prostate Cancer?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Have you ever noticed how many different doctors there are? You have a doctor for your heart, another for your stomach… and still another for your right front toe! Mainstream doctors can make you think each part of your body should be treated as a separate entity. But the truth...

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Common Heart Scan USELESS for Women? (Shocking)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, My wife and I were lucky enough to get our annual physicals done before the omicron surge took off… and boy, am I glad we did! Though we’re relatively young (both of us just now hitting our mid-50’s), we like to stay on top of our health as much as...

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Woman flossing teeth in mirror.

Bleeding Gums: A WARNING Sign for This Condition?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Do you know the best way to find out if you have a gum problem? The answer is easy: floss. If you floss and you spit out blood, you could be on the road to gingivitis or a gum infection. And if you notice blood when you simply brush your...

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“Umbrella Method” CRUSHES Depression

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Getting to the bottom of depression can be a frustrating process… especially if you’re going the mainstream route. It’s hard enough telling your doc that you’re having trouble finding happiness. And facing an endless parade of antidepressants and their countless side effects doesn’t make your life any easier. But now,...

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Drinks on a table.

This Drink SKYROCKETS Triglycerides!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Think about one of those movies where the good guy actually turns out to be the bad guy. When you find out, it’s usually a BIG shock. Well, this same good guy/bad guy switch has been going on for YEARS in the mainstream health industry – but most people don’t know...

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COVID vs. a Cold (3 Surefire Tips to Know the Difference)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, You feel that scratch or tickle in the back of your throat… and you try your best to ignore it. But when the chills start, you get out the thermometer and confirm whether or not you have a slight temperature. With all of this and the achiness and fatigue, you...

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Money next to spilled pills on table.

Mailbag! Easy Tips to VANISH Varicose Veins

I have varicose veins in my legs and they’re so embarrassing. Are there any natural treatments to help get rid of them? –Cindy from Saratoga Springs, NY Cindy, Well, I have some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that once the damage to the veins is done, it’s hard to reverse...

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REVEALED: Big Pharma’s “Mood-Boosting” Drug FAIL

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Every now and then, I get a scientific study that makes me laugh out loud. It’s not the topics that I find hilarious – quite the opposite. The reason I find myself chuckling over research is because of all the crazy math these mainstream researchers do, to try to make...

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Woman sitting on couch looking down.

South Pacific Tribal Remedy SOOTHES Pain

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Folks living with chronic pain, too often, measure their lives in doses. If you’re one of those, you know what I mean. How often have you thought, just a few more hours till my next dose… I can make it! Taking over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or...

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Woman rubbing eyes.

Dry, Red Eyes? Why They Could be a WARNING Sign (Shocking)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Do you often suffer from red, dry eyes? If so, you’re not alone. Thanks to a combination of too much “screen time” on our phones and in front of the television (not to mention the cold and dry winter weather), scratchy, painful eyes have become a bigger problem. But if...

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