Living Well Daily

Mans legs walking.

Crucial Vitamin ALLEVIATES Overactive Bladder Symptoms (Finally, Real Relief!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, My patient Mary came to me complaining about her overactive bladder. Mary was tired of worrying about where to find a bathroom, and her sleep had begun to suffer because she had to go all the time. After trying many different mainstream drugs, Mary’s primary doctor told her to get...

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Man coughing.

“Cough Concoction” Ends Your Cough 5x Faster (All-Natural!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Coughs can be downright annoying! A cough can start for any number of reasons. Sometimes it’s an allergic reaction, sometimes it’s an infection (like a cold, flu, or even pneumonia or bronchitis), and sometimes it could be a reaction to a drug. The cough itself really doesn’t do much harm,...

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Heart-Pumping Trick IMPROVES Cancer Survival!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It’s no secret that cancer is stealing the lives of seniors more than ever before. In fact, cancer now accounts for one of every three deaths in this country. Not only that, you have an almost 40 percent chance of getting cancer sometime in your life… and that risk grows...

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Stack of Envelopes.

Mailbag! 6 Easy Tips for Calming Hyperthyroidism

I live with hyperthyroidism and was wondering if there were any natural ways to help manage it. –Sam from Paris, TX Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland becomes overactive and starts sending out too much thyroid hormone. Most people who have hyperthyroidism have it because of an autoimmune disease called Graves’ disease.  If you have...

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man sick on couch blowing nose.

“Z Solution” Prevents AND Shortens Colds!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, My son called me yesterday and told me he had a cold. Normally I wouldn’t be happy to hear that news, but in this era of COVID, I heaved a sigh of relief when he told me that’s all he had. But my son isn’t the only one suffering –...

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illustration of a virus cell.

Big Pharma FAILS Their Own COVID Test?!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There is no better marketing team on earth than the guys that work for Big Pharma. And one of the best things that could ever happen for them is off-label prescribing. This is a type of treatment where doctors will prescribe a drug that’s normally used for one condition to...

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Food on a table.

Dual-Purpose Veggie DEFEATS High Blood Pressure and More!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Once you reach a certain age, staying healthy often feels impossible. You worry about your blood sugar… your blood pressure… keeping a strong memory… And before you know it, you’ve made yourself sick just trying to keep up with it all! But now, there’s an easier way to get a...

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Woman laying in bed.

Insomnia Solution HIDDEN in Your Backyard!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your health. In fact, I’d go even further and say there’s almost NOTHING more vital for your health. Rest strengthens your immune system, boosts your mood, and so much more. But if you’re one of the...

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Doctor helping patient.

Delicious Treat SLASHES High Blood Pressure

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Trying to get the perfect blood pressure can really wear you down. The never-ending hours on the treadmill… the risky drugs from your mainstream doc… And what does it get you? Some barely-moved numbers and a long list of side effects. Plus, all the stress of managing it just ends up...

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Ancient “Birdseed” Grain FIGHTS Anemia

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, One of the best parts of my morning is watching the birds as I sip my coffee. There’s something about the antics of these creatures that brings joy to my heart. And believe it or not, one of the same foods they enjoy also contains a secret to fighting anemia....

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