Holy Bible Fruit DESTROYS Cancer!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,

You can practically see them, can’t you?

Somewhere right now, a team of Big Pharma scientists is locked away in a lab trying to develop the next “wonder drug” for cancer.

You know… something they’ll be able to charge us billions for so their bosses can buy bigger private jets.

No Southwest Airlines for those guys!

Well, these researchers may want to step away from their microscopes… and bury their noses in the Good Book instead.

Because a new study confirms that a sacred fruit straight from the Holy Bible may be the next MAJOR cancer breakthrough.

In fact, we now know that it can destroy cancer cells and keep deadly tumors from spreading.

Pomegranates don’t come up much at Sunday school or Bible study… but maybe they should.

This powerful fruit is mentioned throughout the Bible, especially in the Old Testament.

Archaeologists have even confirmed that the citizens of the holy city of Jericho regularly chowed down on pomegranates.

And they were probably much, much healthier for it.

A major new analysis published in Phytotherapy Research looked at dozens of lab, animal and human studies on pomegranate.

And the researchers came away convinced that it may be a major cancer killer.

As the authors point out, pomegranate has been PROVEN to have “anti-proliferative, anti-metastatic and anti-invasive” properties.

In other words, it can destroy cancer cells and keep them from spreading.

Researchers from the University of Wisconsin claim that pomegranate is especially effective at fighting prostate, skin, lung, and colon cancers.

Pomegranate seems to work by tamping down inflammation — a major driver of cancer — and interfering with pathways that cancer cells need to replicate and spread.

Now, of course, pomegranate isn’t the easiest fruit to eat — and not everybody likes the taste.

But the good news is that you don’t have to eat a single pomegranate to get all the cancer-fighting benefits.

You can buy pomegranate extract capsules from online retailers like Puritan’s Pride at www.puritan.com.

Live well,

Natalie Moore
Managing editor, Living Well Daily

Ed. Note: Please send your feedback: feedback@livingwelldaily.com – and click here to like us on Facebook.


[1] Anticancer Activity of Punica granatum (Pomegranate): A Review

[2] Cancer Chemoprevention by Pomegranate: Laboratory and Clinical Evidence

[3] Symbolism of the Pomegranate

[4] Pomegranate

Natalie Moore

Written By Natalie Moore

Natalie Moore is a dedicated health researcher with a passion for finding healthy, natural, and science-based solutions. After a decade of direct healthcare experience in western and natural medicine, she was involved in public health research before joining Living Well Daily.

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