
Drop 16 Pounds WITHOUT Diet and Exercise?!?

Researchers from Hong Kong have found a risk-free way to get real weight loss results and it doesn’t require a gym membership or strict dieting.

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Bladder Leaking? Try This Chinese Secret

If you’re a woman over 50, you know how fast it can happen. A quick sneeze or chuckle can cause you to spring an embarrassing leak. Fortunately, brand-new research from China shows that an ancient practice can help stop your incontinence problems.

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Popular Painkillers up Heart Risk 75%

For years we’ve been told that NSAID pain relievers are some of the safest drugs on the market. But as it turn out, these “safe” painkillers aren’t really safe at all. Because a group of international researchers have just found all NSAID drugs can put you on the fast track to having a deadly heart attack. Even worse, it could happen within the first month of taking them. Read on to discover more.

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Mailbag! Breakthrough ERASES Shingles Pain

If you’ve ever had shingles, you know how painful it can be. And the worst part — the pain can last for weeks even after the blisters have healed. Fortunately, researchers have uncovered an ancient remedy that can help your shingles heal faster and erase your pain. Read on to discover more.

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[Warning] Popular Pills Causing Dangerous Falls?!?

For years, we’ve been told the best way to stop pain — emotional or physical — is with risky drugs. And while your doc may warn you that they can be addictive, he will likely fail to mention they come with another danger. Read on to discover what it is.

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Drug-Free Secret Slashes Migraine Attacks

Are you looking for a safe, effective way to fight migraines without dangerous drugs or risky treatments? You’re in luck. New research shows that an ancient Chinese remedy could be the migraine breakthrough we’ve all been looking for…

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Chinese Trick Stops Hot Flashes FAST

Ever wake up drenched in sweat? Or find yourself drawing a cold bath? Then you need to read this article. Discover how to slash your hot flashes in half quickly and without dangerous drugs.

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From the Mailbag: Slash High Blood Pressure & Frozen Food No-Nos

Tune in today as we dig into the mailbag. We will discuss how acupuncture may lower your blood pressure and how to safely refreeze foods.

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