
The Produce Problem Putting YOU at Risk

Consumer Reports recently released the data from a jaw-dropping investigation into our food supply. Once you hear the details, you may never look at the produce aisle in quite the same way… After all, every fruit and vegetable in it could put you and your loved ones in danger. Let me explain… Pesticides are chemicals...

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“Eat the Rainbow” Trick Drives Down Cancer Risk

If I were to ask you, “What’s the color of good health?” what would you say? Maybe it’s green or blue, the “colors of nature.” Or rosy pink cheeks may come to mind. Well, it turns out the “colors of the rainbow” might be the best answer. Research suggests the key to a long, healthy...

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An Apple A Day DOES Keep the Doc Away

If you ask me, moms are equipped with superpowers. Look at how they manage to successfully juggle caring for kids, homes, and even husbands… and somehow make it look EASY. And then there’s the fact that mom always seems to KNOW the right things to do. Like how you should eat your fish because it’s...

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URGENT: Deadly New Threat in Our Food

Without question, antibiotic resistance is one of the top threats to your health these days. And while you might think you’re safe from it... you’re not. According to some brand-new research from California State University, there’s one way you can get infected with drug-resistant bacteria that’s nearly impossible to avoid. Read on to discover more.

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Mailbag! #1 Veggie Mystery SOLVED

Ever wonder if buying those frozen vegetables is saving you bucks but cutting your nutrition? Then tune in today as we end the fresh vs. frozen debate.

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Deadly Health Danger Found in Frozen Foods

These bacteria just won’t stop! Find out where they’re lurking now and a few ways to stop them from taking over your kitchen and making you sick…

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CAUTION: Your Produce Is Covered in Poison

If you are a regular produce shopper, you’ll want to read this. Find out which 12 fruits and veggies are the most dangerous.

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