gut health

Snack Food Secret to Better Heart Health

Modern living really takes a toll on the heart. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in adults and almost 700,000 people die from it annually in the United States alone. That’s why I’m always on the lookout for new studies to share that can make your heart as healthy as possible. And the...

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The BIG Prune Benefit You NEED to Know

Prunes and graceful aging go together like zebras and stripes, Calvin and Hobbes, or trucks and mud. Many young people turn their noses up at prunes. But those of us who have a little more gray up top and a LOT more wisdom, know these dried plums can be a good “regular” friend. But even...

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Surprising Solution SLASHES Heart Risk

Raise your hand if you’re worried about your heart risks. Everyone reading this should have their hand up. Why? Because heart disease is the most likely cause of death. And ladies, that INCLUDES you. Recently, women have caught up to men and have almost the same risk of dying from heart disease as guys. You’re...

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IBD Trigger Dumped into Food?! [Disturbing]

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Cases of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) have increased over the last 50 years. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the most common. While scientists are still scratching their heads about why IBD develops, a few things are certain: IBD is the result of chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. The...

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Senior lady sits on couch snacking on microbiome friendly snack

Simple Snack Trick RECHARGES Your Microbiome

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There are trillions of microorganisms living ON and IN your body. The microorganisms that call your gut home are collectively called the microbiome. And if you’re a regular Living Well Daily reader, you ALREADY know they’re a BIG deal. Our microbiome: helps us digest what we eat extracts vital vitamins...

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Tasty Trick BURNS Fat and BOOSTS Gut Health

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, “Weight-loss month” is nearly over. If you resolved to lose weight this year, I’m betting you started off January strong. But, if you’re like many of folks, those efforts are beginning to fade. Many of us make the mistake of coming on too strong at the beginning of January, so...

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Tasty Hack SUPERCHARGES Gut Health

One day, we’ll look back at our discovery of the nervous system in our guts in much the same way as other giant leaps in medicine like germ theory, vaccinations, and antibiotics. Knowing it exists and how important it is has changed EVERYTHING. We now understand that the enteric nervous system, or our “second brain”...

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Gut Trigger Causes Arthritis? (WEIRD)

I’ve had patients make some pretty strange claims about their arthritis. Many folks swear they can “feel a storm coming” in their joints. And I’ve heard this one so often (and had them be spot-on about that storm) that I believe it’s true. Other patients claim their joint pain gets worse when eating tomatoes. And...

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Belly Up to The Bowl for THIS New Nut Benefit

It’s the nuttiest time of year. And I’m not just talking about the decorating, shopping, and holiday chaos… I’m literally talking about NUTS. Sure, we eat these tasty treats all year round. But when the holidays approach our nut consumption goes through the roof. We eat more nuts from October through December than any other...

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MAILBAG: Master Your Microbiome

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Is kefir actually good for your gut health? Are there other options to improve my gut? –Tammy from Franklin, TN Hi Tammy, Not long ago, you’d only find kefir in the health food store. And that’s if you were lucky. These days you can find it almost anywhere. (I’ve even...

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