
MAILBAG! Stop Sinus Headaches NATURALLY

“I am constantly getting sinus headaches. Tylenol doesn’t seem to help much. Do I have any other options?” –Alice Hi Alice, The fact that you can buy Tylenol over the counter has given this drug a safety halo. So, I want to start by cautioning against taking too much of this med. Swallowing a daily...

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“Go Green” to SLASH Everyday Aches and Pains

If you battle an occasional ache or pain, you’re in good company. Estimates are that at least 20 percent of adults suffer from discomfort like lower back pain from time to time. And I’m willing to bet that estimate is low… especially for older folks. Your choices for relief are often limited to some risky...

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Mailbag: The TRUTH About Massage and Acupuncture

“What’s your take on massages? Acupuncture? Are they worth the hype? I can’t imagine they’d do that much for your health.” – Pete As with many things, massage and acupuncture ARE effective when used for the right conditions. Massage therapy has many proven health benefits, including… lowering stress, relieving muscle pain and tension, improving circulation,...

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Top COVID Symptoms Have Changed (SURPRISING!)

We’ve lived with COVID-19 for nearly three years now. That means we KNOW what it looks like, right? Wrong. The dominant COVID strain infecting people today doesn’t look exactly like the one that infected people last year. The virus is constantly changing. And so are the symptoms when you catch it. Different COVID strains appear...

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MAILBAG! Dial Down Sinus Pressure and Pain Naturally

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, “I am constantly getting sinus headaches. Tylenol doesn’t seem to help much. Do I have any other options?” –Alice from Independence, Missouri Hi Alice, I’ll start with a warning about taking too much Tylenol. Swallowing a daily dose of acetaminophen (the generic name for Tylenol) can harm your liver. So...

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Common Chemicals Cause High Blood Pressure?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, When I told my wife about a recent study I was reading, her response was, “A girl just can catch a break!” And she’s right. Women seem particularly vulnerable to the chemicals in our environment. We see this with chemicals that damage the thyroid (women are more susceptible), and we...

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Man suffering from headaches has eyes closed and hands on temples

“Stick It" to Headaches with this Ancient Solution

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Tension headaches are more common than most people realize. In fact, two-thirds of us struggle with them. But as odd as it sounds, many folks don’t always realize when they’re having one. They know they’re in pain, of course. But they might insist it’s eye strain or a sinus issue....

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“Ocean Secret” STOPS Up to 40% of Migraines

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, A patient named Cindy walked into my office and flopped onto the chair. The bags under her eyes and her apparent total exhaustion told me that she’d been through a lot lately. She then complained that she’d had more headaches recently, and had been having migraines most of her adult...

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Woman pinching nose in stressful way.

Bizarre Migraine Trigger FOUND (Shocking!)

If you’re anything like me, it’s probably hard to be surprised anymore. Because if you’ve lived long enough, you’ve seen it all. Billionaires flying to space… a deadly virus that spread around the world in a few months… cars that can drive themselves… what a world we live in! Yet every now and then, I...

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Woman holding head in discomfort.

“Fork Trick” Banishes Painful Migraines Up to 40%

A patient named Cindy walked into my office and flopped onto the chair. The bags under her eyes and her apparent total exhaustion told me that she’d been through a lot lately. She then complained that she’d had more headaches recently, and had been having migraines most her of adult life. But worst of all,...

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