
Five Game-Changing “Hacks” for Optimal Health

The other day, a patient told me she was doing “everything” she could for her health. When I asked her what she meant, much to my surprise, she told me she stopped using the microwave. I assure you that’s NOT everything. Sure, microwaving food has some downsides. But let’s be realistic; avoiding them won’t significantly...

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One Ingredient Diet Hack TRANSFORMS Your Health

Trust me, I get it. You TRULY want to improve your health and feel and look better. However, just thinking about dieting makes you feel frustrated, exhausted, and ready to give up before you even get started. Because, let’s be honest, change is hard. But what if I told you that improving your health doesn’t...

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The Gut Secret You HAVEN'T Heard About (Easy!)

Once we do something often enough, it’s easy for it to become old habit. This can be especially true when it comes to the pills we take. You get up, have your coffee, eat breakfast, and take your morning vitamins. You get ready for bed, brush your teeth, and take your nighttime supplements. But if...

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"Carrot Cure" Builds Muscles of STEEL

There’s a lot of maintenance involved with “aging gracefully.” If you’re not careful, time can take a toll on your eyesight, hearing, and even your dental health. And with each passing year, you must guard your heart, brain, and joints against damage. But most of us overlook one CRITICAL aspect of healthy aging. And that’s...

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The Pop Quiz Big Pharma HOPES You FAIL

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’ve got a little pop quiz for you today. But don’t worry, it’s only one question. Now, if you’re anything like me, you HATE to fail. The trouble is the deck is stacked against you this time. So I don’t want you to be too hard on yourself if you...

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Vitamin Secret STOPS the Spread of Cancer?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Your body has many protections against cancer. One of the safeguards you may be unaware of is the lining of your organs. There is a protective layer surrounding your organs called the mesothelium. And one of its jobs is to keep cancer cells from invading.   Your heart has a...

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“Ocean Secret” STOPS Up to 40% of Migraines

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, A patient named Cindy walked into my office and flopped onto the chair. The bags under her eyes and her apparent total exhaustion told me that she’d been through a lot lately. She then complained that she’d had more headaches recently, and had been having migraines most of her adult...

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Patient sitting in a chair next to doctor.

The #1 Supplement to SOOTHE Symptoms

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Fighting cancer takes a special kind of bravery. It involves seeking out every possible treatment and never giving up hope. And if you’re one of those folks, I salute you. I’ve seen it all when it comes to cancer treatment, and the mainstream’s so-called options are hardly that. I know...

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Doctor examining patient.

[Warning] AVOID This Public Bathroom Hazard

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Who would’ve imagined that we would still be fighting COVID-19 in 2022? And who would’ve EVER imagined that something we were taught in kindergarten is still the best way to keep everyone safe. I’m talking about washing our hands. And while washing your hands is “hands down” one of your...

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Woman holding head in discomfort.

“Fork Trick” Banishes Painful Migraines Up to 40%

A patient named Cindy walked into my office and flopped onto the chair. The bags under her eyes and her apparent total exhaustion told me that she’d been through a lot lately. She then complained that she’d had more headaches recently, and had been having migraines most her of adult life. But worst of all,...

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