heart health

Citrus Secret to Better Heart Health REVEALED

Looking out for your heart health is VITAL as you age. After all, we only get ONE ticker that’s got to last us a lifetime. And you’re not going to believe this, but a powerful tool for boosting our heart health has been hiding in plain sight all along. Even worse, we’ve been tossing it...

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Sugar Substitute Linked to Soaring Heart Risks

If you (or someone you care about) have a sweet tooth, you should know about a recent study that’s been making waves in the health and nutrition world. Researchers from the Cleveland Clinic uncovered a disturbing link between a popular sugar substitute and an increased risk of some serious heart problems. Now, before you do...

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The Hidden Dangers of Fried Foods

It’s no wonder French fries are so popular. They’re crispy, salty, and oh-so-satisfying. As a matter of fact, as I wrote the words “crispy” and “salty” just now, my mouth watered. I’m only human, after all. But brace yourself—because what I’m about to share will make you think twice before diving into your next serving...

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Is There Really a Hidden Benefit to BROCCOLI?

Just when we thought broccoli’s resume couldn’t get any more impressive, new research proves us wrong. The phytonutrients in this tasty veggie can lower inflammation… balance blood sugar… and even boost your memory. And you likely already know of broccoli’s legendary prowess in preventing cancer. Now, a new study reveals that sulforaphane, the potent compound...

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The Hidden Heart Danger LURKING in Your Gut?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is no walk in the park. The cramping, the urgency, the endless trips to the bathroom—it’s a daily struggle that can leave you exhausted and frustrated. And here’s the kicker: sometimes, IBD’s vague symptoms can lead to misdiagnosis or even NO diagnosis at all....

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“Eat the Rainbow” Trick Drives Down Cancer Risk

If I were to ask you, “What’s the color of good health?” what would you say? Maybe it’s green or blue, the “colors of nature.” Or rosy pink cheeks may come to mind. Well, it turns out the “colors of the rainbow” might be the best answer. Research suggests the key to a long, healthy...

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The Strange Smile Link to Healthy Aging

I often write about oral health. And there’s a good reason for that. No, it’s not that I’m obsessed with everyone having a perfectly shiny set of pearly whites. I focus on oral care for an entirely DIFFERENT reason. It’s because what goes on in your mouth has a surprisingly large impact on your overall...

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This COMMON Habit Could KILL You

Cardiovascular disease is a cold-blooded KILLER. In fact, heart- and circulation-related illnesses are THE leading causes of death worldwide. A staggering one in three deaths are a result of cardiovascular disease, with heart attack leading the way as the ‘top’ killer. If you focus on improving your heart health ALONE, your odds of living to...

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Don’t Spend All Day in the Gym [Do THIS Instead]

All too often, when you hear about the health benefits of exercise, the lecture comes from a super-fit, intimidating athlete. You know the type. A Joe Health Nut who obsessively exercises every waking moment of his life. (Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they do it in their sleep too.) Trying to meet such high...

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New Nut Research SILENCES Critics

Nutcrackers and the holidays go together like horses and carriages. And yet the tasty snacks those colorful wooden soldiers were created to open are regularly vilified for their fat content. The truth is, these tasty tidbits are brimming with health-BOOSTING benefits. In fact, new research reveals this HIGH-FAT food has one benefit that’s bound to...

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