
NEVER Eat This Type of Fiber! (Gross)

These days, it seems like you can’t leave your doctor’s office without hearing you need to eat more fiber. You’ll hear the same thing from the government… and any other mainstream health organization. And when you eat the right type of fiber, it IS good for you. Unfortunately, many foods contain a type of fiber...

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REVERSE Heart Disease for 10 Cents a Day

It’s no secret that fiber is good for you. It’s key to keeping your blood sugar balanced, your bowels healthy and your waist trim. But there’s one more reason you should be eating a certain type of fiber — it can help you REVERSE heart disease for just a dime a day.

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Conquer Aging With This Miracle Sap

Inflammation is the root cause of all disease. So if you can stop inflammation, you could live a long, healthy life. Fortunately, researchers from the University of Rhode Island have found an all-natural compound that helps you fight inflammation and makes your breakfast better at the same time. Read on…

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