
RESTORE Your Libido with an Afternoon SNACK?!

Dear Reader,  I have a rather personal question for you…   When to opportunity arises…. Do you often feel like having sex? Or is your reaction to that thought, ugh.   If your answer is the latter — or a downright no – it could be a sign that something is a little off in your body.  If you feel your libido fading as you...

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The “Juicy Way” to Put an END to Your Cough

Dear Reader,   Coughs can be downright annoying…  A cough can start for any number of reasons: sometimes it’s an allergic reaction, sometimes it’s an infection (like a cold, flu, or even pneumonia or bronchitis) and sometimes it could be a reaction to a drug.  The cough itself really doesn’t do much harm, although it can sometimes cause your chest and ribs to hurt.  But when...

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Hearing Loss Secretly DESTROYING This Too?! 

Dear Reader,  If you ask people to repeat themselves more than a few times a day, there’s a good chance might be losing your hearing.  Most people don’t notice hearing loss because it happens slowly over time. So slow, in fact, it’s hard to tell any difference from one day to the next.    It’s good to have someone...

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Antioxidant FIGHTS Skin Cancer

Dear Reader,  Twenty-percent of people reading this will develop skin cancer by the age of 70.   I’m not trying to scare you, it’s just a grim fact of reality. And sadly enough, more than two people die of skin cancer in the U.S. every hour.  It’s a heart-wrenching statistic.  And if you listen to mainstream media or your...

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Eat Your Way to a Healthy Brain! 

Dear Reader,  As you age, few things become as important as having a healthy brain.   Because without your brain you lose your memories… your identity… even your independence.  Ask your mainstream doctor how to keep your brain and they will only shrug their shoulders and probably suggest a drug (that’s loaded with harmful side effects).    But I’m here to tell you that’s...

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Is COVID Creeping into Your Bedroom?! 

The medical community is scrambling to figure out all the ways COVID-19 can spread from one person to another.    This is important because part of makes COVID-19 so horrible is the ease at which it is passed from one person to another.    For example, the 2003 SARS virus was, in comparison, not as difficult to contain because it didn’t spread...

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Can CBD DESTROY This Fatal Brain Disease?

Dear Reader,  Recently, marijuana and extracts of marijuana (like CBD) have snagged the attention of the medical community. Its popularity has spread like wildfire, and rightfully so given its powerful effects on many body systems.  In fact, the marijuana plant may be the exact solution our bodies need for several conditions ranging from pain, to sleeplessness, to anxiety… and much more.   But marijuana has other...

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The Real “Comfort Food” That Boosts Your Mood

Dear Reader,  I have to admit it… it has been hard to keep a good mental attitude and to stay away from junk food when you are urged to stay home with a family that you love (but that can also drive you crazy).   Not to mention the stress and worry about what is going on in the world…   And with all...

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[WARNING] What’s LURKING in Your Water?! 

Dear Reader,  A neighborhood friend of mine spent 40 years working for the Water Department.   We’ve had in-depth discussions about how to purify and clean the water coming into your home.   He is convinced (and I am too) that chlorine is the only thing that gets the job done.   But just because adding chlorine to water delivers virtually bacteria and virus-free water to your tap, does not mean...

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Natural Remedy Has Anti-Cancer SUPERPOWERS

Dear Reader,   Hearing the word “cancer” strikes fear into most people’s hearts…   And, honestly, it should.   Because despite all those mainstream media headlines you see, your risk of dying from cancer has not budged a bit since Richard Nixon declared a War on Cancer in the 70s.   After billions of dollars have poured into the...

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