Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

colorful cupcakes next to each other.

[ALERT] Poisonous Food Additive FOUND in… Birthday Cake!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Cakes sure aren’t what they used to be! I hate to sound so cranky, but when I was a kid a “special” cake was one that had a different flavored icing than the cake. I mean, chocolate cake with vanilla icing – THAT was crazy. Today it’s different. There’s cakes...

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Man in bed, woman standing next to him looking at him.

Easy Listening Trick SPEEDS UP Heart Surgery Recovery

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re in line for heart surgery, there’s a lot on your mind… to say the least. There’s the recovery… then the bill… then, of course, your worry about the outcome. It all ends up producing a lot of anxiety before you even reach the operating table! There’s also the...

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[Men] Could Your Workout KILL You!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Studies sometimes surprise even me. I’ve known for a long time that exercise is good for many conditions, including diabetes. But I never would’ve never guessed that a particular workout could be bad for people with diabetes… especially men. Yet, a new study has uncovered something alarming. Working out at...

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patient in bed and doctor next to them.

REVEALED: Hospitals Prescribing DANGEROUS Drug!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Reading to your grandchildren is just about as good as it can get. And if you’re lucky enough to get to often, you’ve probably read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. The moral of this classic children’s story? Things that seem simple can get out of control… FAST. And...

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Older and younger woman embracing.

Mainstream Med SKYROCKETS Dementia Death Risk 7x?!

  Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you have a loved one who has dementia, you know how bad it can be… It’s not just the forgetfulness that’s hard on them (and you too!). But anyone who has been a caregiver will tell you one of the most difficult things to see is agitation –...

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Stamped Envelopes.

Mailbag! 6 Ways to Quiet Your Anxiety

I have anxiety, but I’m worried about taking medicine for it. Do you have anything you could recommend instead? –Teresa from St. Paul, MN Teresa, I think it’s good to exercise caution when using anti-anxiety medications. As a general rule, these medications do work, but they’re not a long-term solution. Too often, they can lead...

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Man sitting on bench of MRI machine.

“Bacteria Secret” Key to DEFEATING Prostate Cancer?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Have you ever noticed how many different doctors there are? You have a doctor for your heart, another for your stomach… and still another for your right front toe! Mainstream doctors can make you think each part of your body should be treated as a separate entity. But the truth...

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Common Heart Scan USELESS for Women? (Shocking)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, My wife and I were lucky enough to get our annual physicals done before the omicron surge took off… and boy, am I glad we did! Though we’re relatively young (both of us just now hitting our mid-50’s), we like to stay on top of our health as much as...

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Woman flossing teeth in mirror.

Bleeding Gums: A WARNING Sign for This Condition?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Do you know the best way to find out if you have a gum problem? The answer is easy: floss. If you floss and you spit out blood, you could be on the road to gingivitis or a gum infection. And if you notice blood when you simply brush your...

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“Umbrella Method” CRUSHES Depression

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Getting to the bottom of depression can be a frustrating process… especially if you’re going the mainstream route. It’s hard enough telling your doc that you’re having trouble finding happiness. And facing an endless parade of antidepressants and their countless side effects doesn’t make your life any easier. But now,...

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