Most Seniors Missing These Vital Vitamins (Scary)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, The sad truth is, most Americans aren’t getting the nutrients they need. The typical American diet is downright shameful, and most folks eat so much high fructose corn syrup it’s basically a food group! But now the issue has become even more dire. Researchers have found that most seniors are...
[ALERT] Gut-Destroying Food Discovered!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re a loyal reader of this e-letter, you know that I love to talk about gut health. And there’s a reason for this. A healthy gut contributes to everything from a strong immune system to a good night’s sleep. That’s why you need to see this new study immediately....
Scottish Warrior Plant HEALS Parkinson’s Disease
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you come from a Scottish family, you should be proud. The Scots were some of the strongest warriors of the ancient world, fighting off invading Vikings and Romans to protect their land. And new research has discovered that one of their beloved plants could fight Parkinson’s disease just as...
“Sing-along Method” SPARKS Stroke Healing
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you or someone you know has had a stroke, you know firsthand how hard it is to recover. It’s a slow and painful process, to say the least. Depending on how severe the stroke was, you could be looking at weeks or months of therapy to help regain your...
Mailbag! BANISH High Blood Pressure Naturally
I’ve been under a lot of pressure lately and my health is suffering. Do you have anything you can recommend to lower stress and high blood pressure? –Ricardo from Atlanta, GA ********** Ricardo, You’re not alone – we’re all stressed out by these crazy times. And stress, as you’ve correctly noted, can have long-term consequences...
Sweet Treat SAVES Your Vision (Wow!)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, You’ve probably heard it a million times… worsening vision is just a normal part of aging. But why on Earth should we accept that? It can cost you your ability to drive… and eventually your independence. You know what’s at stake. That’s why you never skip a serving of eye-enhancing...
NEW Alzheimer’s Clue Found?! (Shocking)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’m sure you can picture what the typical Alzheimer’s patient looks like. This is someone who can’t remember how to get back home. They’ve forgotten the name of a close family member, they frequently misplace things and sometimes – more often than not – they just can’t seem to find...
[SENIORS] Do You Know About These 3 COVID-19 Symptoms?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It was beginning to look like this COVID-19 thing was wrapping up… and then the Delta variant swept in. Any student of history could tell you that this is exactly what happened in the early 1900s with the Spanish flu. The first wave was bad, but the second wave was...
“Jitterbug” Solution DEFEATS Parkinson’s Symptoms!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Parkinson’s disease is a slow progression to stiffness, loss of function, and balance problems. If you listen to mainstream medicine, they will tell you that there’s nothing you can do to stop the slow, steady loss of your mobility. But you should ignore that advice – because there is A...
SLASH Liver Disease Risk with This Delicious Beverage!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I hear people tell me all the time they worry about their heart or their brain… but I’ve almost never had someone tell me they’re worried about their liver. Considering your liver performs more than 500 roles in your body, however, you’d think folks would be more concerned! Clearly you...