REAL Heart Failure Warning Sign FOUND!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Diagnosing heart failure can be a monumental task. Unlike the mainstream says, it’s not just about high blood pressure… and it definitely isn’t out-of-control cholesterol numbers (as I’ve talked about here). And while I agree with looking at all possible factors, the truth is that the REAL signal for heart...
Bed Trick REVITALIZES Your Sex Drive (Wow!)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’ve been married for a while, you’ve come to expect ups and downs… especially when it comes to your love life. But as a woman, you know when things aren’t normal. It’s not your fault… it’s not your husband’s fault… but it IS time to seek a solution. Because...
[LADIES] This Drug Could DESTROY Your Memory!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, For years research studies have been done on populations that have nothing to do with the people who are going to take the drugs. For example, they might test a drug for seniors on a group of college kids… of course the results aren’t going to be the same! But...
Mailbag! Put Restless Leg Syndrome to Bed
I suffer from restless leg syndrome and it drives me crazy! I’ve tried just about everything in the book. What do you suggest? –Ron from Indianapolis, IN Ron, restless leg syndrome has a way of driving even the most patient person crazy. Whether it’s the feeling of ants running up and down your legs, or...
These 5 Meds SKYROCKET Your Blood Pressure!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I don’t have to tell you how important healthy blood pressure is. Uncontrolled blood pressure puts you on the fast-track to stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, and many other complications you don’t want. You probably do everything right: you eat well, exercise, take the right supplements. But something could be...
[WARNING] Is Hormone Replacement KILLING Women!?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Happy Fourth of July! It’s time to celebrate independence the best way I can think of… Breaking away from mainstream medicine. And for women suffering through menopause, this is even more urgent. Because whether you’ve been through “the change” already or are still in the midst of it, your life...
PREDICT Early Alzheimer’s with 88% Accuracy (Wow!)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, One of the enormous challenges of Alzheimer’s disease is catching it early. Despite all of the brain scans and blood tests that have been developed, mainstream medicine is still failing to catch dementia and Alzheimer’s in enough time to make a difference. But now, researchers may be on to something....
Big Pharma HIDES Fat-Burning Miracle Pill (Shocking)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, We know by now how Big Pharma works… They focus on their bottom line, and couldn’t care less about actually saving lives. We’ve become so used to their lies, outright fraud, kickbacks to politicians and doctors that it’s hard to be upset anymore at their antics. It shouldn’t come as...
SLASH Heart Disease Risk 26% with This Elixir
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’ve got grandkids, you probably at some point watched one of the Harry Potter movies. In this magical world of wizards, they have a spell or potion for just about anything you can think of! If only it were that easy when it comes to taking care of your...
SOOTHE Eczema Flare-ups with This Light Treatment
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Folks with eczema can’t catch a break. It’s not just the winter dryness that causes painful flare-ups… the hot summer air can do it too. And suddenly you’re pulling those sweaters back out just to cover up out of embarrassment. But now, you don’t have to suffer silently anymore. Researchers...