“Final Frontier” for Viruses FOUND… in Your Body!?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If this last year has taught us anything, it’s that we should all be much more aware of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in our environment. Our world is more connected than it’s ever been, and nasty bugs can travel fast. But now scientists are finding new recruits to fight against...
Mailbag! Strange Beverage BOOSTS Your Immune System!
I’ve been hearing a lot about kefir and that it’s good for your gut. Then recently I heard it can help your lungs too. Is there anything to it? –Thelma from Kent, Connecticut Hi Thelma, You’re right— kefir is a hot topic lately. Kefir is a fermented yogurt drink that you used to only see...
Could Your TV GIVE You Diabetes!? (Shocking)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I don’t know about you, but I sure am tired of all the doom and gloom on the news… ESPECIALLY after the last year or so. It’s no wonder that research shows exposing yourself to the negativity of the news day in and day out can give you higher blood...
Is Coffee DESTROYING Your Health!? (Shocking)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, What’s the first thing you do in the morning? A good friend of mine claims she needs to drink coffee before her feet hit the floor. I jokingly asked her if she sleeps with her coffee maker and she said, “yes… it’s more reliable than a husband!”. But once I...
This All-Fat Diet DEFEATS Cancer (Wow!)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Andrew wasn’t buying anything I said. His wife, Mary, had brought him to my office after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She loved alternative medicine, but he wasn’t so much into it. Andrew was going to do exactly what his mainstream oncologist said. I told him that was always a...
[COVID-19] THIS Could Increase Your Death Risk 59%!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, When I think about how history records the COVID-19 pandemic, I hope they capture the true reality of it… including the fear. While I don’t believe in living a life totally afraid at all times, I understand how easy it can be to slip into that mindset. Especially when researchers...
Oregon Fruit ELIMINATES Depression
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Nothing is more frustrating than depression. It doesn’t matter how sunny the day is or what kind of good news you get, you still feel sad. Your loved ones try to cheer you up, but it’s no use. The important thing to remember though is that it’s not your fault…...
Mailbag! END Your Pesky Prostate Problems
I struggle with waking up to urinate multiple times each night because of my prostate. It’s really affecting my sleep. Could you recommend how to deal with this? –Jim from Little Rock, Arkansas Hi Jim, I’m sorry to hear about your struggles with waking up at night and going to the bathroom. It sounds...
[COVID-19] This Condition Affects 42% of People!
When COVID-19 descended on America, we saw one shocking thing after another. Patients were having strokes… blood clots… amputations… even lung transplants. But the virus wasn’t the only cause of damage. Researchers have now discovered that the pandemic has also caused another MAJOR health problem for 42 percent of people. And you could be one...
SLASH Stroke Risk in Half with This Sacred Beverage (Delicious!)
One of the saddest things I’ve witnessed in my practice is stroke. Seeing one of my seemingly healthy patients get struck down by this terrifying disease is heart-breaking. Suddenly, your loved one can’t speak or take care of themselves… it’s like the person you knew is gone. But now, you can put a stop to that...