Cancer Patients: DON’T Choose This Killer Treatment!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, it can feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. The countless decisions about treatment… the input from doctors and family and friends… and not to mention the treatments themselves. But now there’s something else you need to know. Cancer...
[COVID-19] Could This Mineral Boost Survival?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re like most Americans, you’ve been following every COVID-19 story like a hawk… especially the stories about how NOT to get it. And you probably know that conditions like obesity, diabetes, and age can put people at a higher risk. You’ve probably even heard of the importance of getting...
Bedroom Habit DOUBLES Your Memory Loss Risk
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It’s one of the worst things that can happen to you if you’re a senior. You flip through your photo album, looking at all of the beautiful pictures of trips and christenings and graduations when suddenly you realize… I don’t remember any of this. Dementia can destroy your life, robbing...
Popular Drug Could ATTACK Kidneys
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There’s a strange misconception out there that if a drug is over-the-counter it’s safe. Yet thousands of people a year die just from taking aspirin. And many people damage their liver or even die from taking too much acetaminophen. Now there’s another common drug that can be deadly. It’s one...
Increase Longevity 39% AFTER a Heart Attack (Easy!)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Surviving a heart attack can make you feel two things… grateful to still be alive and scared. Because if it could happen once, you know it could happen again. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to ensure a long and happy life after that terrifying event. It can extend your life...
[Warning] This Increases Your Asthma Risk 155%
During these crazy COVID times, it can be hard to know what to do to protect yourself. We do know, however, to wear a mask, wipe down surfaces, sanitize our hands, and stay at home whenever possible. But what if one of those tips could actually be hurting you? Because it turns out, there’s a...
Miracle Fruit UNLOCKS Perfect Gut Health
In a very real way, the health of your gut IS your overall health. Researchers have linked your gut health not just to weight loss, but your mood, your immune system, and even your memory as well. And the biggest thing affecting your gut health is how you take care of your microbiome, the system...
Big Pharma CAUGHT in Kidney Dialysis Scam
I have a neighbor who works for DaVita, one of the largest kidney dialysis companies in the United States. It’s headquartered right here in Colorado where I live. One thing is clear from talking with her: if you’re looking to make money, then dialysis is THE cash cow. Currently, the American dialysis market is $24.7...
[COVID-19] Could It Make You Blind?!
If there’s one word that describes COVID-19 (besides terrifying), I’d have to say it’d be peculiar. It came from nowhere… left thousands dead… and is STILL baffling all medical experts and scientists. And it’s not done yet. Researchers have just discovered that there’s another strange long-term effect to add to the list… It can make...
Cigarette Toxin in Your Food?!
Dear Reader, I’m sure you, like many folks, know that there are numerous harmful chemicals in cigarettes. But a lot of people would be surprised to find some of the toxins found in cigarette smoke are also found in many of the foods they eat. One toxin in particular increases your risk from dying from...