Diabetic? Focus on THIS [NOT Daily Blood Sugar]
When you’re diagnosed with diabetes, you soon start to dread “opinions.” Because suddenly EVERYONE has one, and they insist on sharing it… and their well-meaning advice… with you. And, unfortunately, much of the time, it’s bad. Sometimes it’s misleading. It’s often confusing. And, let’s face it, it’s usually just plain wrong. So, no wonder this...
Drink 8 Glasses A Day? The FINAL Answer
If I had a dollar for every time someone has asked me, “Do I need to drink eight glasses of water a day?” … well, I’d be a very wealthy man indeed. After all, we’ve heard this advice most of our lives. It’s only natural to wonder if it’s true. And my response might surprise...
[STUDY] Breathe Better with PLANT POWER
It boggles my mind that molecules in plants can CHANGE the way our bodies function. This effect is most obvious with drugs. The molecules in the opium plant, for example, activate opioid receptors in our brain and body, which block our perception of pain. Similarly, molecules in the cannabis plant activate cannabinoid receptors in our...
Mailbag: Top 3 Supplements You Should Take
“So many vitamins I feel I have to take. Is there one that covers it all? Or a top three?” Jon from Grove City, OH Hi Jon, I typically suggest a multivitamin when anyone tells me they want to take only one supplement. The reason why is simple. One of the most vital things supplements...
“Green Banana” Solution FIGHTS Fatty Liver
Don’t look now, but your liver is likely under assault. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, the livers of 30 percent of us are being overloaded with fat as you read this. The condition is called fatty liver disease (also known as NAFLD or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). And if you have...
Memory Loss: An Odd Early Warning Sign?
The human body is a marvel. Not a week goes by, that it doesn’t surprise me. And this one is no exception. New research reveals what may be the oddest early warning sign for memory loss we’ve seen yet. It’s like having a crystal ball to help you head off cognitive decline. And THIS time,...
[ALERT] Are You Breathing in CANCER?
It goes without saying that air pollution is bad for you. It STARTS with your lungs, harming your respiratory health. But the damage from breathing in that toxic air certainly doesn’t STOP there. In fact, as I explained recently when the Canadian wildfires left much of the United States blanketed under a toxic haze, air...
The "King-Tut Cure" for Rising Blood Sugar
Sometimes, it feels like not a year goes by without a new diabetes drug hitting pharmacy shelves to great fanfare. There’s just one problem. With each new med comes a new set of dangers. But promising research reveals another option to try first. It’s an unexpected, all-natural solution that could help tame your blood sugar...
Clutter Fix ERASES the STRESS!
I spent an hour cleaning my desk before sitting down to write this week’s articles. It’s incredible how having some order clears your mind and lifts your mood. In fact, the stress-relieving benefits of decluttering have even been studied… When a group of researchers asked women how messy they thought their homes were, the ones...
ODD Solution Relieves Alzheimer's Linked Agitation
When someone you love is battling Alzheimer’s, it’s heartbreaking. You want to do everything possible to ensure they live the happiest and most fulfilled life possible. And yet, all too often, you’re left feeling helpless in the face of overwhelming symptoms that threaten to destroy their quality of life. One of the MOST disturbing for...