Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

Stay Quick-Witted and Sharp at ANY Age

I don’t know a single adult who doesn’t at least occasionally think they might be losing their marbles. It’s normal to worry about your brain health as you age. And when you are anxious about it, it’s often triggered by forgetting something—like a name, event, or where you left the remote control. But there’s another...

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WHY We Crave Comfort Foods (And the FIX!)

We’ve ALL been there. It could be a looming deadline, a fight with a loved one, or a family emergency. But whatever the cause, your stress level is through the roof. If you’re like most folks, that’s when the CRAVINGS hit, and you reach for some “comfort food.” Typically, that’s an ultra-processed sugary or starchy...

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SLASH Brain Age Up to 9 MONTHS!

With each tick of the clock, we grow older. And, of course, our brains are aging right along with the rest of us. But it’s not just time alone that takes a toll on our thinkers. Because, despite being protected by our tough skull bones, our brains are vulnerable and sensitive to decay. In fact,...

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STOP Brain Shrink with THIS Snack Hack

I hate to say it. But there’s an elephant in the room… And THIS pachyderm has got something to say about our brain health. The fact is, growing older changes our brains. In many ways for the worse. You see, as we age, we lose brain cells and our brains shrink. It happens to the...

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Surprising Habit Sends Health SOARING

We’re forced to make DOZENS of daily decisions. There are small choices like what to wear or eat for breakfast. And there are the MAJOR ones like which car to buy or whether or not to ask your boss for a raise. But there’s one decision you SHOULD be making daily that you likely don’t...

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Killer Insomnia?!

One of the first things we learn as toddlers is that actions have consequences. It’s a lesson we’re reminded of throughout our lives. For example, if you smoke cigarettes, you may develop lung cancer. Drink too much alcohol and liver damage could be the result. Scarf down excess sugar, and you’ll likely pack on extra...

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MAILBAG: Shining a Light on Sun Exposure Safety

“I’ve heard that being in the sun is good for you, but what about skin cancer? How can the sun be both good and bad for you?” – Pam, Indianapolis, IN Hi Pam, That’s exactly right! Sunlight IS both good and bad for you. And like so many things, the truth about how much you...

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FAT Solution Linked to Healthier Weight (WEIRD)

It sneaks up on you… And then, sometime around 50, your pants begin to feel a bit tighter, and your upper arms start to look a little looser. Then you notice the numbers on the bathroom scale are slowly creeping up. Age-related weight gain causes most of us to pack on an additional pound or...

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Put the Brakes on BRAIN SHRINK

I’m often greeted with a shocked look when I tell folks that their brain is shrinking. But I assure you it’s a perfectly natural thing. It happens to ALL of us. Research shows that adult brains tend to get smaller with each passing year. In fact, the science suggests that after 40, brain weight typically...

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Cause of “Broken-heart” Deaths REVEALED!?

You’ve undoubtedly heard a heartbreaking story or two about someone quickly passing away from grief after losing their spouse. Sadly, research confirms these tragic tales are TRUE. In fact, we ALL face an elevated risk of a “broken heart” death after someone close to us dies. But it turns out dodging death isn’t the ONLY...

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