Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

Dial Down Parkinson's Risk

“There’s nothing you can do to avoid getting Parkinson’s.” If I had a dime for every time I’ve heard some version of THAT bit of “wisdom,” I’d be a very wealthy man. The only trouble is, it’s pure rubbish! The fact is there are PLENTY of steps you can take to support your overall brain...

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The TRUTH About Apple Cider Vinegar

It happens every few years. Interest spikes in the potential health benefits of apple cider vinegar. So I’m never surprised when I start getting a lot of questions about whether or not it’s good for us. And lately, they’ve been ROLLING in. So let’s take a closer look… Wherever you have apples, you have vinegar....

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Sleep Apnea Linked to BRAIN SHRINKAGE

Some things are quick tickets to a shortened time here on Earth. Smoking, abusing drugs, eating junk food, and chronic sleep issues all come to mind. Sleep apnea makes the list too. At least when it goes untreated. In fact, it’s a DOUBLE whammy for anyone who wants to live a long, healthy life. Because...

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MAILBAG: When Is it TOO Late to Prevent Alzheimer's?

“Is there an age where it’s too late to prevent Alzheimer’s?” – Tony, Aurora, IL Hi Tony, There isn’t an age when it’s too late to prevent Alzheimer’s. But if you have the disease already, there IS a point when it’s too late to significantly delay its progression. However, that occurs only when Alzheimer’s is...

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Gambling Trick Lets You Live LONGER and Better

I can’t say that I’m a gambler. But I have been known to sit down at a blackjack table every once in a while. I choose blackjack because I know the best chance of winning anything in a casino is at the blackjack table. It’s all about the odds. And speaking of odds, you can...

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AM Switch Leads to ALL DAY Blood Sugar Control

If you battle blood sugar problems, you probably ALREADY know that keeping your numbers under control is one of the best things you can do for your health. The list of problems that come with uncontrolled blood sugar is long. They include eye problems (macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy), heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and...

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The "Apple A Day" Hack for Healthy Aging

You know what they say about eating an apple a day. Well, it turns out this age-old advice may not JUST help you steer clear of the doctor’s office… If you’re a senior, that daily apple hack has ANOTHER welcome benefit that could send your quality of life soaring. It may even SAVE it. Here’s...

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Weird Trick SLASHES Your Risk of Falls?!

One out of four adults 65 or older fall every year. That’s a startling statistic. But it’s only HALF the story… A fall that causes some cuts or bruises may leave you achy and uncomfortable for weeks. But one in which you break a bone or drastically hurt yourself, can have far-reaching health consequences for...

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The REAL Reason You Wake Up at Night (WEIRD!)

Insomnia is SO frustrating. But if you find you often wake up between 1 and 3 a.m., you can take comfort in knowing that you’re FAR from alone… In fact, I can guarantee lots of other folks are sitting up with you. How can I be SO sure? Well, it’s thanks to a quirk of...

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Common Pond Weed Grows a YOUNGER Brain

The Mediterranean diet has gotten a LOT of attention in recent years. I get questions about it all the time. The diet is packed full of good-for-you fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and fish. And research has ALREADY linked this style of eating to bunches of health benefits. But scientists recently uncovered a NEW one that’s...

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