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“Forbidden” Fruit CRUSHES Bad Cholesterol

When it comes to controlling your cholesterol… the mainstream is full of bad advice. Statins… extreme exercise… and even avoiding healthy foods like butter and red meat. But they’re wrong about one food. Recent research shows that there’s a certain “forbidden” food that CRUSHES your bad cholesterol levels. And eating just one a day could...

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NEVER Eat After 6 PM! (Here’s Why…)

When my brother and his family came to Thanksgiving dinner, they were a bit shocked by how early we eat at my house. Generally, we’re cooking dinner around 4:00 PM. We’ve always eaten this early because eating within an 8 to 12-hour window has major health benefits like weight loss and better blood sugar. Now...

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Don’t Fall For THIS Cholesterol LIE! (SHOCKING)

The mainstream has been getting it wrong about cholesterol for decades. They told us to stop eating foods like eggs, red meat, and butter. And they were wrong. And they told us that keeping our LDL cholesterol levels low (and our HDL high), can practically ERASE our risk of having a stroke. Now it looks...

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NEVER Take This “Off-Label” Poison (SMOKERS BEWARE!)

If you’re trying to quit smoking… good job. Ditching this habit lowers your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. And there’s no doubt it’s one of the toughest things you’ll ever do. But you should think twice before you fill that anti-smoking prescription from your mainstream doc. Because there’s a dangerous “off-label” drug that...

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The 2-Food CURE for Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is on the rise here in America. Every 2 minutes another one of us is diagnosed with this life-changing disease. According to experts, it looks like these numbers are only going to get worse. But there’s a way to STOP lung cancer before it starts. And it has nothing to do with smoking....

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Morning Trick MELTS Twice as Much Fat! (EASY)

Wouldn’t it be great if you could double your weight loss without changing your diet… or doing any extra exercise? It may sound too good to be true. But I can assure it’s NOT. Because cutting-edge research shows there’s a simple way to BURN TWICE as much fat. And it all starts with this easy...

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Coffee CURES This Deadly Disease?! (AMAZING!)

If you’re anything like me, you probably can’t live without your morning cup of coffee. But chances are a mainstream doc – or two – keep telling you it’s bad for you. Well, I’m here to set the record straight. COFFEEE IS GOOD FOR YOU. It boosts your brain…  improves your mood… and even slashes...

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Activate Your Youth Molecule?!

Think back to when you were 25 years old. Remember how full and exciting your life felt? It seems like any given Saturday you had the energy to go for a round of golf… take a long bike ride… and then stay out all night dancing with your best girl. And not to mention how...

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HUGE Cancer Test Breakthrough for Seniors

Excuse my French for a second… But the way we screen for colon cancer in America SUCKS. People are harmed by colonoscopies every day. And you’ll get extra “special attention” from your doctor if you’re considered high-risk for colon cancer. But how do they determine that? They look for family history (an INCREDIBLY unreliable predictor),...

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The 2-Hour FIX For Cancer

You think you’re doing all of the right things… You stopped smoking. You’re trying to eat right. Maybe some doc even talked you into sitting through a miserable colonoscopy or mammogram. And it’s all because you’ll do ANYTHING to avoid cancer. But maybe stopping cancer doesn’t have to be so hard. I’m going to show...

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