Keep Your Arteries Healthy With This Type of Fat
Are the silent effects of aging putting your heart at risk? Find out more…
Napping Linked to Deadly Disease
If you take daytime naps, you might also be raising your chances of developing this deadly disease. Find out more.
Destroy Diabetes With These Hearty Foods
Want to reduce your chances of developing diabetes? Then you need to start eating these hearty foods. Discover why…
Throw out Your Vitamin B12! (If You're Not Taking It With This Supplement)
If you’re not taking this supplement, then you might as well toss your vitamin B12 in the trash! Plus, find out more about how this amazing nutrient duo can help you destroy your risk of dementia.
Ordinary Gourd Squashes Cancer and Heart Disease
Could this ordinary gourd protect you from cancer and heart disease? Actually, yes. Find out how and where to get it today
From the Mailbag: Hillary’s Health Scare and the Differences Between Alzheimer's and Dementia
Tune in today as we dig into the mailbag. We will discuss Hillary Clinton’s most recent health scare and examine the similarities and differences of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
How to Cut Your Risk of Dementia in Half
Join us today as we reveal the one simple thing you can to do lower your risk of dementia by 50 percent.
Natural Sleep Aid Also Fights Cancer
Does sleep deprivation lead to cancer? According to a new study, it might. Find out which type of cancer it can cause and the one thing you need to take to stop it.
Stroke Linked to Debilitating Illness
A new study finds having a stroke could put you at greater risk for a debilitating disorder. Fortunately, there’s one vitamin that can help prevent both. Find out more...
Germ Causes Beautiful, Radiant Skin
Maintaining healthy skin is difficult in a world full of harsh chemicals cleansers. Find out why they are ruining your skin and one way to restore your skin to its natural healthy state.