Natural "Vision Cocktail" Saves Eyesight
When battling vision loss, you can practically SEE your independence being stolen from you. And as your eyesight fades, so does your quality of life. Even worse, if age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the cause, it’s pretty much guaranteed to get worse. But that’s not always the case. Because natural medicine has a little secret...
Delicious Solution DODGES Depression
In general, older folks are more content than younger people. After all, we’ve seen and SURVIVED a lot through the years. That tends to make us more resilient. But no one is made from stone. And we ALL get depressed from time to time. Heck, simply watching the news these days can send you spiraling...
Recently, the FDA made a shocking announcement. An over-the-counter (OTC) drug, approved by the agency long ago… (AND sold to us for over 20 years!) Doesn’t work. Yup, you read that right. It’s USELESS. But it’s not even THAT fact that has my head spinning. It’s what they had to say about how correcting the...
Full-Fat Dairy Gets the ALL-CLEAR
I thought the “low fat” myth would have died a LONG-DESERVED death by now. But unfortunately, it has some serious staying power. Foods with labels that scream “Low Fat” or “No Fat” still sell like hot cakes to folks who want to be healthy. Too bad it’s all built on a mountain of mistakes (and...
Happiness Starts HERE (WEIRD!)
We all instinctively know that our feelings can affect our gut. After all, we experience it firsthand. If you’ve ever been nervous about something (like a major event, meeting, or confrontation) and found you suddenly had to rush to the bathroom, then you know what I’m talking about. There’s a direct connection between what happens...
"No Sweat" Move SLASHES Blood Pressure
“Want to lower your blood pressure? Exercise!” It’s common advice. In fact, if you have hypertension, I bet you’ve heard it at least a dozen times from your doctor. But if you’re like MOST folks, every time you’re given the “exercise or else” lecture, it triggers visions. And NOT the good kind. Maybe it’s you...
MAILBAG: The TRUTH About the Flu Shot
“I’m nervous about catching the flu. Especially with the new COVID variant around. What can I do to avoid getting sick? What do you think about the flu shot?” – Emilia from Plainfield, IN Hi Emilia, Giving the flu shot a thumbs up or thumbs down isn’t as straightforward as it might sound. There are...
"Slow Motion" Aging Secret REVEALED
There’s a tribe in a remote part of Bolivia that technically shouldn’t exist. They’re living with chronically high inflammation levels, including C-reactive protein numbers (a measure of inflammation), that are practically off the charts. By U.S. medical standards, they should all be dropping dead of heart attacks. Instead, modern disease is virtually unknown to these...
Tame "Tummy Troubles" NATURALLY
In reality, stomach issues seldom get the attention they deserve. Most doctor’s visits are laser-focused on the “big issues” like blood pressure, weight, blood sugar, and cholesterol… or acute illnesses like infections. And many folks who suffer from belly troubles rarely mention them either. Some fear their doctors won’t take them seriously. Others think their...
Hit the Blood Sugar “Sweet Spot” (and STAY!)
When you’re diabetic it seems like EVERYONE (you, your loved ones, your doctor, and heck, sometimes even perfect strangers) become laser-focused on your DAILY blood sugar readings. And they are an important indicator of how you’re doing, of course. But yesterday I revealed the best way to get a TRUE handle on the disease. And...