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Stack of Envelopes.

Mailbag! BREAK FREE from Frequent UTIs

I’ve been dealing with frequent UTIs and it’s getting frustrating. Do you have any suggestions to help me break this cycle? –Pam from St. Paul, MN Pam, Yes, frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be very frustrating. Fortunately, there are things folks can do to stop them from occurring so frequently. UTIs happen when bacteria...

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Fruit and vegetables on a table nest to diabetes reader.

CHEAT Diabetes with This “LG” Secret (Wow!)

It’s no secret that diabetes is killing American seniors in droves. In fact, 1.5 million folks lost their lives to diabetes in 2019 alone. Mainstream medicine simply won’t save you from this killer disease – they just have expensive drugs and impossible diets. In other words, the situation is bleak. Fortunately, there’s a better way...

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Illustration of a virus close up.

[COVID-19] Study Reveals Scary New Trait

Remember a while back, when we thought we had put COVID-19 behind us? Everyone I talk to had their moment when they thought things would change. Some folks thought it was when daily case numbers started to decrease… and others felt it when they had their vaccine. Meanwhile, in the background, COVID-19 was doing what...

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patient with doctor.

Nursing Home Tragedy REVEALED! (Shocking)

You probably already know that the biggest tragedy in American healthcare is nursing homes. If you’re a senior, I’m willing to bet that one of your biggest fears is being thrown into “a home.” And rightfully so. Mainstream medicine treats acts like the second you reach a certain age, you should be locked up. But...

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women sitting next to each other talking.

Candy Aisle Favorite IMPROVES Heart Surgery Recovery!

If you’ve ever had surgery, you know there is a LOT to think about. You’re given a pages-long list of things your doctor wants you to take, and things you should avoid. Not to mention you have to decide who’s driving you to the hospital and who is helping you afterward… plus, dealing with the...

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Iced drinks on a table.

AVOID This So-Called “Harmless” Drink (STROKE RISK!)

High blood pressure and stroke are like two peas in a pod… if you have high blood pressure, then you’re MUCH more likely to have a stroke. But if you have a mainstream doctor, blood pressure is ALL he’ll talk about when he talks about stroke. As they say, close, but no cigar. There are...

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Two women sitting next two each other talking

“Goldilocks Method” STRENGTHENS Memory

Remember the story of Goldilocks? After breaking and entering, she had three breakfast choices to make: one too hot, one too cold, and one was just right. Then she faced the same choice when she went to take a nap: choose the soft bed, the medium bed, or the hard bed. Each time, she chose...

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Stack of Envelopes.

Mailbag! STOP Dizziness and Improve Hearing

I live with Meniere’s disease and the dizziness is about to drive me crazy. Do you have any recommendations for how to make it better? –Bert from Detroit, MI For readers who don’t know, Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear. People who have this condition complain of severe dizziness, vertigo, ringing in...

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Container of buckwheat in cup on table top.

“Holiday Detox” Could REVIVE Your Liver

It’s pretty easy to overindulge during the holidays. Whether it’s the trays of snacks and appetizers you find irresistible, or the dessert table, one way or another, you soon find yourself stuffed to the gills… and maybe wishing you’d made better choices. And as a result, it leaves not just you, but also your liver,...

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Woman pinching nose in stressful way.

Bizarre Migraine Trigger FOUND (Shocking!)

If you’re anything like me, it’s probably hard to be surprised anymore. Because if you’ve lived long enough, you’ve seen it all. Billionaires flying to space… a deadly virus that spread around the world in a few months… cars that can drive themselves… what a world we live in! Yet every now and then, I...

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