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DROP Your Risk of Diabetes with This “Color Trick”

Dear Reader,  There’s a nearly 40 percent chance that you’ll get diabetes sometime in your lifetime.  And I don’t need to tell you how bad that is for your health. Diabetics have an increased risk for heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and kidney disease. Even worse, they have a much shorter life expectancy.  But what if I told you that you could dramatically LESSEN your risk for diabetes...

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Painkillers WREAKING HAVOC on Your Health?!

Dear Reader,  Recently, Jim, a friend of mine, was talking about how miserable his life had become following a motorcycle accident.  Sitting across from me, he explained was having trouble working, sleeping, and he felt nervous all the time.  It surprised Jim to find out the poor sleep and anxiety were probably a side effect of painkillers he was taking.  And, unfortunately, Jim is not alone....

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[BREAKING] Men Are DYING Faster?!

Dear Reader,  Ask the men in your life when they last went to the doctor and most will have a hard time remembering.   I ask men this question all the time and I’m often answered with a blank stare.  You see, most men avoid going to the doctor as much as possible…but they shouldn’t.  Because men die faster.  And in my years of...

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Is Your Handwashing Technique SPREADING Germs?! 

Dear Reader,  We’ve all been told to keep her hands clean – especially so in recent times.  But wouldn’t it be nice if we were told the RIGHT way to do it?  Washing your hands regularly is one of the keys to stopping the spread of germs, in part because we touch our face far more often than...

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Hearing Loss Secretly DESTROYING This Too?! 

Dear Reader,  If you ask people to repeat themselves more than a few times a day, there’s a good chance might be losing your hearing.  Most people don’t notice hearing loss because it happens slowly over time. So slow, in fact, it’s hard to tell any difference from one day to the next.    It’s good to have someone...

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Are Your Meds WRECKING Your Bones?! 

Dear Reader,  Your mainstream doctor has good intentions, most doctors do.   And when you go to him with any number of issues, chances are he’ll do his best to get to the bottom of it.   The problem is, a number of drugs that he might prescribe are doing more harm than good when it comes to your...

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The Foolproof Way to NEVER Get Cancer

When it comes to preventing cancer, the mainstream spews the same old advice.   They’ll tell you to stop smoking… get more exercise… and never skip your annual checkup.   These aren’t bad suggestions. But there’s something they aren’t telling you…   You see, new research shows that only one thing is responsible for thousands of new cancer...

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“Green Miracle” Could Add YEARS to Your Life?!

Dear Reader,  There’s no question about it, we all want to live long, healthy lives.  And if you listen to the mainstream media, you’ll start believing that the only way to tack on a few extra years is by running marathons and eating endless plates of salad.   But the truth is, you don’t have to make...

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COVID-19: Can You Get It Twice?

Dear Reader,   Vaccines (whether you’re anti or pro) are based upon a simple principle:  Once you get a disease your body knows how to fight it… and you won’t get it again.  This type of immunity (called The Adaptive Immune System or the Acquired Immune System) remembers the last time you were infected. And then has soldiers...

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SHIELD Yourself from Future Viruses (Pandemic or Not)

Dear Reader,  COVID-19 took the world by storm. Now, (hopefully) it is starting to calm down.  Despite that, I still get questions about what works (and what doesn’t) for stopping this infection… and others.  And that is a great question.   Because I can guarantee you COVID-19 or something like it will be back.   I don’t...

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