
[Men] Do You Have the Breast Cancer Gene?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re a woman, chances are you have heard about the BRCA gene (BReast CAncer gene). Scientists have known for a long time that a mutation in one of two breast cancer genes, BRCA1 or BRCA2, increases the risk of getting breast cancer. But, men, listen up – just because...

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Men—This Breast Cancer Gene Could Kill You, Too

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re a woman, chances are you have heard about the BRCA gene (BReast CAncer gene). Scientists have known for a long time that a mutation in one of two breast cancer genes, BRCA1 or BRCA2, increases the risk of getting breast cancer. But, men, listen up – just because...

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Is THIS Making You Vulnerable to Disease?

Dear Reader,  As long as we have had civilizations, we’ve had diseases that sweep through them.  In the Middle Ages, it was the black plague and cholera.  In the early 1900s we saw the Spanish Flue (H1N1).  In the last few years, we’ve seen SARS, EBOLA, and many others…  But why is it that some people get the disease...

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Do THIS to TURN OFF Your “Fat Genes”

Dr. Scott Olson, ND reveals how to turn off your fat genes.

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Dr. Scott’s “Super-Ager” SECRETS

The way I figure it, you have two choices as you age: You can either be the type of senior who goes out dancing… cooks their own meals… drives… and volunteers. Or you can be the “old person” who can barely walk to the mailbox… eats whatever is convenient… and almost never leaves out of...

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Want to Build Muscles? IGNORE This Advice

Scientists want you to believe that muscle building all comes down to genetics. But following their logic could be hazardous to your health.

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Scientists Discover Unlikely Cause of Loneliness

New research finds loneliness isn’t just due to isolation. Discover the underlying reason for your long, lonely nights in today’s edition of Living Well Daily.

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