
Holiday Spices with Hidden Health Benefits! 

It’s that time of year… when we all hop in our kitchens, light the oven — grab a cookie sheet or two — and start baking our favorite holiday treats.    Now, while many of these goodies are certainly indulgences – there are some reasons to not feel guilty.   In fact, as long as you don’t go too overboard with the sugary...

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Morning Beverage Has Hidden Health Threat?

I’m sure you’re quite tired of the debate on whether or not coffee is good or bad for you.   Well, allow me to sum up all the research: coffee is good for you.   But don’t stop reading just yet…  While coffee is a great source of antioxidants and other healthy nutrients (as well as a shot of caffeine) —there IS something about drinking coffee that can do a lot of harm to your health.   Do you know...

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Is Your Anxiety Damaging This Vital Organ?!

“You have nothing to worry about!”  When’s the last time you heard — or believed — that?   And if we’re being honest, especially these days, it’s hard NOT to feel anxious or worried.   Between the pandemic… the relentless news cycle… worrying about the holidays and even concerns about your family’s and your OWN health, it’s no wonder you’re feeling on edge.   But there is a BIG problem with...

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A TASTY Weight Loss Hack?!

Staying healthy (especially this time of year) and keeping your weight balanced can be tough.   Not to mention, we are all already spending more time at home and looking for comfort – oftentimes in “comfort foods.”   But now research has found a great way to, not only improve your overall health, but also to get that smaller waist WITHOUT starving yourself.   And it’s all thanks to this TASTY weight...

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Banish Eczema with This Miracle Vitamin

Winter is almost upon us and that means a lot of change is coming our way.   And for those who suffer with eczema, those changes can be nasty.   That’s because eczema typically worsens during the wintertime. And it’s namely due to the air losing humidity and our skin becoming much dryer.    But it’s also because of something that starts to disappear as the season changes.   What is it? Less sunshine.  And not just the sunshine itself – but less natural vitamin D.  If you aren’t taking vitamin...

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[Breaking]: Formula Uncovers the Secret to Youthful Aging!

Close your eyes and think for a moment…  What are your plans if you turn 100?  How do you want to celebrate your birthday?  Do you want to be surrounded by your family as you blow out the candles? Maybe win an arm-wrestling match with one of your grandkids? Or great grandkids?  Do you want...

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Natural Vitamin Reduces Skin Cancer?!

It’s wintertime, and though you’re probably spending more time inside than you would in other seasons, there’s one thing from summer that never goes away.  The sun.  Now, mainstream medical advice is that you should ALWAYS stay out of the sun or use sunscreen every moment you step outside – yes even in the winter!  Their reasoning? The sun’s...

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“Gold” Spice Reduces Ulcerative Colitis by 40%!

Recently, a patient of mine, we’ll call her Mary, walked into my office and told me of her eight–week battle with bloody diarrhea.  Many folks are embarrassed to talk about such things, but, having been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis two years ago, she’s gotten used to it.  Her ulcerative colitis had remained in remission – until this recent attack.    She said told me she went to the bathroom 20 times...

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Fake v.s. Real: Which Tree is Safer?

This time of year, there’s one debate that always seems to come up in my house.  And just maybe it’s happening in yours too.  It’s not political or anything like that… but rather it’s an argument about which tree we should have in our house for Christmas.   Should we go all natural, or get a fake, plastic tree?  Well, luckily, a...

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“Sugar Impersonators” Spiking Your Blood Sugar?

It’s no surprise that I always suggest staying away from sugar.  It causes all kinds of health problems… and a big one is that, in large amounts, it’ll send your blood sugar through the roof.  But sugar isn’t the only culprit  Those foods that act like sugars can also open a can of worms when it comes to your health.  These “sugar impersonators” can also...

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