weight loss

Popular Weight Loss Tool INCREASES Body Fat!?

I’ve studied diet and nutrition for nearly my whole adult life. One red flag has grown bigger with every passing year. And that’s how much extra weight Americans are carrying around. A few extra pounds are no problem. But many of us are packing FAR more than a few. We used to think of fat...

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Lucky #13 Slashes Diabetes Risk 40%

When it comes to dodging diabetes, it’s all a numbers game. And far too many of us are ending up losing that gamble these days. Over 29 million Americans were diagnosed with diabetes in 2019. And over eight million had the disease and didn’t even know it. If you’re a senior, the picture is worse....

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QUIT Calorie Counting... Here's What REALLY Works

Ever tried counting calories to lose weight? If so, I can practically GUARANTEE it hasn’t worked out for you. (Or it won’t in the long term.) There are a couple of reasons why this method inevitably fails. First of all, it’s more complex than it sounds. Calorie counting is labor-intensive and far from straightforward. And...

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SLASH Brain Age Up to 9 MONTHS!

With each tick of the clock, we grow older. And, of course, our brains are aging right along with the rest of us. But it’s not just time alone that takes a toll on our thinkers. Because, despite being protected by our tough skull bones, our brains are vulnerable and sensitive to decay. In fact,...

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FAT Solution Linked to Healthier Weight (WEIRD)

It sneaks up on you… And then, sometime around 50, your pants begin to feel a bit tighter, and your upper arms start to look a little looser. Then you notice the numbers on the bathroom scale are slowly creeping up. Age-related weight gain causes most of us to pack on an additional pound or...

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The TRUTH About Apple Cider Vinegar

It happens every few years. Interest spikes in the potential health benefits of apple cider vinegar. So I’m never surprised when I start getting a lot of questions about whether or not it’s good for us. And lately, they’ve been ROLLING in. So let’s take a closer look… Wherever you have apples, you have vinegar....

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Slim Down with This FAT-BURNING Hack

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There’s more weight-loss advice out there than there are stars in the sky. Much of it’s complicated, strenuous, or downright impossible to follow. With the promise of slimming down, people push everything from extreme exercise to gross drinks you must hold your nose to gulp down. But the MOST common...

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MAILBAG: Easy Ways to LOSE a Few Pounds

“My wife is driving me crazy telling me I need to lose weight. I walk our dog 15 minutes a day and like to think I eat relatively healthy. Is there anything I should completely avoid or be doing to lose a few?” – Walter from Lansing, Michigan Hi Walter, Ironically, I spotted your question...

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Tasty Trick BURNS Fat and BOOSTS Gut Health

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, “Weight-loss month” is nearly over. If you resolved to lose weight this year, I’m betting you started off January strong. But, if you’re like many of folks, those efforts are beginning to fade. Many of us make the mistake of coming on too strong at the beginning of January, so...

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The "FAST" Way to A Slimmer and Healthier YOU

There’s something so exciting about the first day of the year. Everything feels fresh and new. And the possibilities are endless! It’s that feeling that makes New Year’s Resolutions so popular. I’m not a fan of making a long list of impossible tasks to accomplish before the end of the year. That’s a setup for...

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