This Undercover Liver Defender Is a Real TREAT

I want to start today by wishing you and your family a Happy Easter. I hope your day is filled with plenty of joy and LOTS of delicious (and healthy!) Easter eggs.

As the kids tear into their baskets, devouring those chocolate bunnies and jelly beans, I want to talk to you about fat. (And when I’m done, you’ll feel a LOT less tempted to steal some of that candy for yourself.)

Right now, your liver could be filling up with fat. In fact, around 25 percent of our livers are, according to the National Institute of Health.

That percentage soars to 75 percent if you’re among the folks who battle elevated blood sugars or carry around some extra weight. And up to 90 percent of people who are obese have a fatty liver.

Now having a chubby liver might not sound so bad. But fat in the liver is linked to a higher risk for diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes.

The good news is there’s a DIFFERENT kind of “TREATment” that could reduce the risks of a fat-filled liver.

When the liver fills with fat, and it’s not related to drinking alcohol, it’s called Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, or NAFLD.

Scientists are still studying the condition, but research suggests a diet high in fructose increases your chances of developing NAFLD.

The fat hanging out in your liver alone isn’t much of a problem. The trouble is, it can lead to fibrosis. That’s when fibrous tissues replace your liver cells.

Fibrosis of the liver causes a drop in the liver’s ability to detoxify chemicals. And it can lead to cirrhosis (liver scarring) and even cancer.

But a recent study published in the journal Nutrients revealed a DELICIOUS risk reducer.

Study volunteers who drank MORE coffee had healthier livers.

And I don’t know about you. But in MY book, permission to drink more coffee is definitely a TREAT.

Urine tests confirmed that…

  • higher caffeine levels were linked to less fibrosis
  • higher levels of other coffee compounds were linked to reduced fatty liver index scores

This study suggests that coffee can dial down the severity of NAFLD. Plus, past research has found drinking coffee improves blood sugar regulation, which also plays a role in fatty liver disease.

The new study focused on overweight folks with type 2 diabetes. But there’s every reason to believe some of these same coffee benefits could extend to the rest of us.

So go ahead and enjoy a guilt-free cup or two. But don’t stop there. There are some OTHER steps you can take to help protect your liver.

Dr. Scott’s Fatty Liver Fix:

  • Control blood sugar. Cut way back on added sugars, ultra-processed high-carb foods, and starchy vegetables. Foods like pasta, crackers, and white bread quickly convert to glucose in your blood, eventually leading to fat buildup around your liver. Exercise regularly. A brisk daily walk should do the trick. And consider taking supplements that support healthy blood sugar levels, such as berberine, curcumin, and chromium.
  • Ditch the sugary drinks. Sugary drinks are SO bad for your liver that they deserve some special attention. BAN sodas, fruit juices, flavored coffee drinks, sports drinks, and sweet teas from your life. These beverages send your blood sugar soaring, causing insulin levels to spike. And this can lead to fat building up in your liver.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Keeping your weight in check is often easier said than done. But there are steps you can take to help you reach a healthy weight, including boosting your metabolism and maintaining your muscle mass. And when you do, your body becomes better at regulating blood sugar, keeping your liver from accumulating more fat.
  • Use liver-supporting herbs. I like milk thistle, dandelion, and turmeric for liver support.
  • Reduce inflammation. Try fish oil, turmeric, and olive leaf extract.

P.S. When it comes to taste, I’ll leave the light or dark roast coffee battle to you and your loved ones. But the REAL question is which roasting method produces the most HEALTH benefits. And the answer might surprise you.


Increased Intake of Both Caffeine and Non-Caffeine Coffee Components Is Associated with Reduced NAFLD Severity in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes.” Nutrients 2023, 15, 4.

Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Written By Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease.
Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

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