10 Minute Memory Trick [IMMEDIATE Results!]

Our healthcare system has a fatal flaw. It’s set up to react to illness, NOT prevent it.

So, doctors are stuck in a losing game of whack-a-mole. They spend all their energy and time scrambling to knock down symptoms.

That means prescriptions for preventative care are virtually nonexistent.

And that’s certainly the case with memory loss.

But once things have started to slip, the clock is ticking on your brain health. And every step you take NOW is critical to avoid a steeper decline LATER.

One recent study provides us with a roadmap to do precisely that.

It revealed a surprisingly easy hack to pump the brakes on memory loss. But even more exciting, this 10-minute trick could REVERSE some of the existing decline!

If you’re a regular Living Well Daily reader, you know I’m a fan of exercising at every stage of life. It’s vital for healthy aging.

But it’s not just your heart and muscles that benefit. Your BRAIN gets a big boost, too.

A growing stack of research proves it. Scientists say every time we exercise, our “executive performance” improves.

That’s the part of our brain that handles stuff like organization, planning, working memory, and time management. You know, the things that allow us to be functioning, contributing members of society.

And that’s not a difference you JUST feel. You can literally SEE it on brain scans.

Regular exercisers have permanent positive improvements in their brains. In fact, they have more white matter (the network of nerve fibers that allow the exchange of information) than their couch potato peers.

But I have even BETTER news for folks willing to unseat their seat for a few minutes daily. According to a study in the journal Neuropsychologia just 10 minutes of exercise can do the trick.

Study volunteers spent either 10 minutes pedaling on an exercise bike or flipping through a magazine. Then, reaction times were measured using a special test in which participants followed a moving dot with their eyes.

The exercisers had SIGNIFICANTLY faster reaction times.

To mimic these brain-boosting results at home, get up and moving for at least 10 minutes daily. But there’s no need to stop at 10… more is better.

In fact, staying on your feet for two to four hours a day should be your goal. But don’t worry, you don’t need to sweat it out for hours at a time.

If you enjoy fitness classes, by all means, take them. They can be fun and social. But slipping in little bouts of movement throughout the day is also fine. In fact, ANY activity, from scrubbing the floors to doing the laundry, counts.

And another thing…

Here’s what else we’ve covered this week in Living Well Daily

“MIRACLE Molecule” RESISTS Aging?

Potent anti-aging molecule could reverse some of the damage from cognitive decline, stroke, and more. It may even EXTEND your life.

Down a Daily Mug of Alzheimer’s Prevention

To protect your brain against Alzheimer’s, you must fight back against memory-robbing tau tangles. Now, new research has uncovered a tasty tool to do precisely that.

This Drink Could DESTROY Your Liver [ALERT]

A new study finds a popular “harmless” habit has HUGE health consequences. In fact, it can be every bit as bad as smoking or drinking too much booze.

Better Memory with this “Nose” Trick (226% BOOST!?)

Our sense of smell’s attachment to our brain is undeniable. And now researchers say we can tap into that link to BOOST our memory.

Mailbag: STAY Healthy in a Senior Home

COVID-19 is still a risk, especially for seniors in nursing homes. But you CAN reduce your risk for this and other infections. Here’s how.

Garden Hack Boosts Cognitive Function

Cognitive function can fade with age. But you may have a safe, natural remedy to BOOST brain power growing in your OWN backyard.

Unexpected Bone Broth Benefits

Bone broth is brimming with vital fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and proteins that give the broth a BIG nutritional punch. Plus, unexpected gut-balancing benefits.

P.S. The hardest part about exercising is getting STARTED. But these “trick yourself” into exercising tips make it EASY.


Ashna Samani, e al., “Executive-related oculomotor control is improved following a 10-min single-bout of aerobic exercise: Evidence from the antisaccade task,” Neuropsychologia, Volume 108, 2018, Pages 73-81, ISSN 0028-3932, doi. org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.11.029.

Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Written By Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease.
Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

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