[Breaking]: Formula Uncovers the Secret to Youthful Aging!
Close your eyes and think for a moment… What are your plans if you turn 100? How do you want to celebrate your birthday? Do you want to be surrounded by your family as you blow out the candles? Maybe win an arm-wrestling match with one of your grandkids? Or great grandkids? Do you want...
Hidden Hormone Reduces COVID-19 Risk?
Despite all the movies like Terminator, computers will probably never be smarter than us humans. But those computers sure can crunch data much better than we’d ever be able to! And thanks to a bunch of researchers from The Cleveland Clinic, who published their work in the online journal PLOS Biology, number crunching might have found something that really helps COVID-19. Researchers from the Cleveland Clinic fed their giant computer thousands...
Strange Grape Terminates Depression?!
We all get sad sometimes. And in the current world, chances are you might be feeling the blues a little bit more. Especially if you haven’t been able to spend time with your loved ones and have been more cooped up than you normally would. But if you have depression, that sadness can change your life. ...
Easiest Way to Keep Your Brain Young
We all want to stay sharp as a tack as we age. That way you can still play golf … or go ice skating this time of year. Belt out Christmas carols without missing a line… and even beat your grandson at cards. But what if I told you that staying sharp and active in your golden...
Cast Off Diabetes with This Holiday Treat
Food IS medicine. I truly believe that. The powerful compounds found in everyday foods can help you live a longer and healthier life. Turmeric kills cancer… mushrooms stop Alzheimer’s… and carrots actually do stop vision loss. Now, it looks like Mother Nature has a food cure for diabetes, too. The only problem? You’ve been told to...
Natural Vitamin Reduces Skin Cancer?!
It’s wintertime, and though you’re probably spending more time inside than you would in other seasons, there’s one thing from summer that never goes away. The sun. Now, mainstream medical advice is that you should ALWAYS stay out of the sun or use sunscreen every moment you step outside – yes even in the winter! Their reasoning? The sun’s...
Halt the Flu with Your Diet (Delicious!)
It’s that time of the year where you’re more prone to get struck down with any number of illnesses — from the common cold to the flu. And in the age of a pandemic, now is NOT the time to be getting sick. So regardless if you’re one of those who gets the flu every...
“Gold” Spice Reduces Ulcerative Colitis by 40%!
Recently, a patient of mine, we’ll call her Mary, walked into my office and told me of her eight–week battle with bloody diarrhea. Many folks are embarrassed to talk about such things, but, having been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis two years ago, she’s gotten used to it. Her ulcerative colitis had remained in remission – until this recent attack. She said told me she went to the bathroom 20 times...
Fake v.s. Real: Which Tree is Safer?
This time of year, there’s one debate that always seems to come up in my house. And just maybe it’s happening in yours too. It’s not political or anything like that… but rather it’s an argument about which tree we should have in our house for Christmas. Should we go all natural, or get a fake, plastic tree? Well, luckily, a...
Hidden Household Danger Destroying Your Lungs?!
Having healthy lungs is essential as you age. Because if your lungs are struggling, simple things like walking to the mailbox, or even going down the steps without wheezing feel impossible. And especially in our current climate… you WANT strong, healthy lungs. While exercising and quitting smoking will certainly help… that’s not all you should be doing. Because new research shows there’s...