Sugar SKYROCKETING Your Risk for These Diseases?!
Dear Reader, I’ve been fighting a battle against sugar for a long time. While we’ve all been brainwashed to be afraid of fats, sugar is the real villain in our diets. People are beginning to see through the lies and realize that sugar leads to weight gain (and weight gain leads to poor health). But recent...
The TRUE Cause of Your Below-the-Belt Troubles
Dear Reader, It’s never easy for men to talk about what goes on in the bedroom – ESPECIALLY if it’s not going very well. But here is what no one will tell you about erectile dysfunction (ED)…. It is a SYMPTOM and not a disease. And what’s ED symptom of? I’m glad you asked! ED is a...
[EXPOSED] The REAL “Bad Guy” That’s WRECKING Your Health
Dear Reader, Think about one of those movies where the good guy actually turns out to be the bad guy. When you find out, it’s usually a BIG shock. Well, this same good guy/bad guy switch has been going on for years in the health industry – and most people don’t know it. In the movie...
Could This be a RED FLAG for Alzheimer’s?
Dear Reader, Unfortunately, it’s true — some things just get harder and slower as we get older. I certainly can’t run, or jump, or play as much as I used to. Even your thinking may not be as sharp as it once was. It’s a natural part of life. But while it’s natural for some things...
COVID-19: Can You Get It Twice?
Dear Reader, Vaccines (whether you’re anti or pro) are based upon a simple principle: Once you get a disease your body knows how to fight it… and you won’t get it again. This type of immunity (called The Adaptive Immune System or the Acquired Immune System) remembers the last time you were infected. And then has soldiers...
“Mind Trick” Is Your SOLUTION to IBS?!
Dear Reader, Ask a mainstream doctor what to do about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and they will shrug their shoulders. What’s worse, some mainstream docs don’t even think IBS is a real condition! And then there are others that hand you pills that are LOADED with extensive side effects. Well, let me tell you, IBS is...
Add This Ritual to Your Routine and SLASH Alzheimer’s Disease!
Dear Reader, Our memories are one of the most precious things we have. It’s all the more reason to keep your brain in tip top shape for as long as possible. And maybe you’ve already started taking steps to safeguard your noggin’… Like watching your blood sugar, keeping your blood pressure low, getting some exercise,...
SHIELD Yourself from Future Viruses (Pandemic or Not)
Dear Reader, COVID-19 took the world by storm. Now, (hopefully) it is starting to calm down. Despite that, I still get questions about what works (and what doesn’t) for stopping this infection… and others. And that is a great question. Because I can guarantee you COVID-19 or something like it will be back. I don’t...
[BREAKING] A Hidden Risk for Celiac’s
Dear Reader, If you or a loved one already struggles with celiac disease, chances are you know gluten is a huge red a flag. Because, when you eat gluten, your body attacks your small intestine, destroying the tiny villi – the fingerlike projections in your small intestine — which help you absorb food. Villi destruction means that...
Make Your Immune System YOUNG Again?!
Dear Reader, So, chances are you’re one of the thousands of people still stuck at home and can’t leave. Because of the coronavirus most of us have lost access to gyms, exercise buddy, or church. Your biggest adventure is probably the grocery store. I know we are all getting a little stir crazy. But, virus...