Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

The Ovarian Cancer Risk You NEVER Saw Coming

Cancer research is nothing new. In fact, we’ve been studying this killer since the 1800s. Yet despite all that investigating, there’s still so much we DON’T know. That’s why each time we reach a new milestone in our understanding of cancer, it should be celebrated. And a recent study has helped us make another large...

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Weird Supermarket Secret BEATS Sunburn

In the winter, we tend to ignore the importance of protecting our skin from the sun’s powerful rays. But where I live, in Colorado, I see many folks come down from the ski areas with “raccoon eyes.” This happens when skiers’ faces burn, but the areas around their eyes remain pale because they wear goggles....

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[REVEALED]: Bizarre Link Between Shampoo and Diabetes?!

If I were to ask you what you think the risk of getting diabetes from your shampoo is, you’d probably do two things: Laugh Go looking for another doctor And to be honest, I wouldn’t blame you. After all, connecting shampooing your hair to blood sugar levels seems absurd. But not so fast. The disturbing...

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Chronic “Fight or Flight” Mode Harms Your Health

Let me tell you a tale about a little part of our brain that can cause us a LOT of trouble… It’s called the amygdala. And while it’s small, it has a massively important job. The amygdala is where most decisions are made about how to react to potential dangers in the environment. Its primary...

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KICK Cravings and CONQUER Food Addiction

On Monday, I shared a startling statistic here in Living Well Daily. It turns out one in eight adults 50 or older shows signs of battling food addiction. Red flags can range from feeling you must have the food every day to thinking about it a lot. And if you’re one of them, it could...

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MAILBAG: Conquer Urinary Incontinence

“My wife struggles with urinary incontinence. She’s too embarrassed to wear an adult diaper, but it’s started to keep her from going places. What can we do?” -Luke from Madison, Wisconsin Hi Luke, An overactive bladder is often the culprit behind urinary incontinence. It can cause urine to leak whenever the bladder fills, even a...

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Older Americans Battling THIS Disturbing Condition?

New data extracted from the National Poll on Healthy Aging uncovered something startling. The researchers found that 13 percent of older Americans (ages 50 to 80) suffer from a diet-related condition we never expected to see. And it could be putting them at risk for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and more… According to researchers, thirteen percent of...

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Healthy Tuna’s Hidden “Dark Side” Causes Harm

It’s no wonder that canned tuna is so popular. Talk about a versatile food! It’s the perfect thing to throw into a pasta dish. You can make it the star of a hearty tuna casserole. Or you even go “fancy” and make tuna cakes. And, of course, there’s America’s favorite lunch… the classic tuna salad....

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Spot Hidden Signs of High Blood Sugar

Many elements contribute to HEALTHY aging. They range from genetics to diet. But one of the BEST ways to give yourself a leg up in the aging game is to keep your blood sugar in check. Because high blood sugar doesn’t just go hand-in-hand with diabetes. Rising glucose levels are ALSO a trigger for some...

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Spice Rack Favorite BOOSTS Brain Power

With time comes a greater appreciation for the value of a sound mind and a healthy brain. Because if you lose your brain power, you lose your past, your personality, and eventually your freedom. The only options your conventional doctor will likely recommend for memory or learning issues are potentially harmful medications or impossible-to-follow exercise...

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