Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

"Supercharge" Yourself Against This KILLER Cancer

An ovarian cancer diagnosis is the stuff of nightmares. It’s the second most prevalent form of gynecological cancer among American women. And it often spreads quickly, leading to late detection and less effective treatments. In fact, the five-year survival rate for ovarian cancer is less than 50 percent. But it’s not all bad news. And...

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Waking Up at Night? Try THIS Fix

When my wife and I wish each other a goodnight, we always say, “I hope you sleep like a teenager.” It’s a joke, of course. But it’s rooted in our REAL-LIFE experiences. You see, I often claim my last good night of sleep was the day before my son was born. (He’s 30 now.) My...

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Quick and Easy Brain Health QUIZ (Try It!)

Have you ever wondered HOW you would even know if you were “losing your marbles?” After all, you’re the one going through it, right? Chances are, you wouldn’t notice. Turns out, there’s a simple test that scientists use to identify someone who might be headed down the dark road to dementia. And while you CAN’T...

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MAILBAG: Build A BARRIER Against Cancer’s Return

“Staying cancer-free after successfully fighting – and beating – malignant cancer. What is the best/most effective combination of supplements to take to assist in prohibiting cancer return?” – Karen, from Memphis, TN Hi Karen, First of all, let me say congratulations! Beating cancer is an incredible feat. Many people who fight cancer and win find...

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Battling ITCHY Psoriasis Skin? Try THIS

Nothing can drive you crazier than an itch. Sure, there ARE worse things in the world. But an itch that won’t go away can have a HUGELY negative impact on your quality of life. If you scratch in public, the looks you get make you want to head home. And if the itch strikes at...

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What You NEED to Know About Recent Deadly Fungus

The headlines alone are enough to keep you up at night. “Deadly Fungus Invades US Hospitals!” I’ve been asked a lot if the spread of Candida auris is getting so much attention lately because of the popularity of The Last of Us, a TV show where fungi take over people’s brains, turning them into zombies....

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Plastics Send THIS Disease Risk SOARING

They’re EVERYWHERE. From food packaging to clothing (yes, really) plastics are clearly here to stay. And that’s a big problem. There’s no denying that they’re convenient. But that convenience comes at a HUGE cost. Chemicals, like bisphenol-A and other plasticizers, send inflammation and oxidative stress levels soaring. And these creepy chemicals harm our cells and...

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Dodge Early Death with THIS 11-minute Commitment

There are things you WANT to be early for, like church, birthday parties, and flights. But your funeral is NOT one of them. New research reveals how easy it is to tell the Grim Reaper to take a hike. Because it turns out an 11-minute commitment could slash your risk of early death by 23...

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Feeling Forgetful? How to Tell if Its NORMAL or NOT

“Doc, am I losing my mind?!” If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked a version of that question, I could retire to a tropical island TODAY. But I’m NEVER surprised by the inquiry. After all, worrying about losing your mental abilities as you age is perfectly normal. So, today let’s look...

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"Super 6" Solution Slashes Dementia Risk 90%

Aging sure isn’t for sissies. It’s hard on EVERY system in your body. Everything from your heart to your mobility is affected. But perhaps the BIGGEST challenge of getting older is the damage Father Time does to your brain. Brain cells fade, and the brain itself gradually shrinks as you age. The good news is,...

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