Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

Weird “Nose Signal” Could End in Tragedy?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Just a few years ago, losing your sense of smell or taste was pretty rare. Most folks wouldn’t have been able to name a single disease linked to these conditions. Of course, all that has changed. Nowadays everyone knows losing your senses of taste and smell is often linked to...

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“Magic Bean” Method Slashes Kidney Risk By 23%

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I can honestly say that no one has ever asked me how they can take better care of their kidneys. Unless they were already fighting kidney failure, of course. Instead, people tend to focus on their heart, brain, stomach, lungs, or even the liver. But their poor kidneys never get...

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ALERT: Your “Smart” Device Causing Cell Damage?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,   Most of us couldn’t imagine living without our “devices” these days. Our smartphones, laptops, and smart TVs fit seamlessly into our daily routines. If you’re like a lot of folks, you’ve come to rely on them for everything from work to entertainment. And you certainly don’t suspect they could be...

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MAILBAG: Master Your Microbiome

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Is kefir actually good for your gut health? Are there other options to improve my gut? –Tammy from Franklin, TN Hi Tammy, Not long ago, you’d only find kefir in the health food store. And that’s if you were lucky. These days you can find it almost anywhere. (I’ve even...

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Potent Plant Extract Drives Down Dementia Risk

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Let’s face it. None of us is getting any younger. And if you’re worried about losing your marbles as you age, you’re NOT alone. It’s a common fear. And for good reason. See, as you lose your memory, you slowly lose everything else, too. Your friends, your family, and your independence...

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“Miracle Mineral” Takes A Healthy Chunk Out of Heart Risk

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’m sick and tired of hearing about certain health problems that aren’t really problems at all. You know, like having high cholesterol and too much stomach acid. But one of the most maddening non-problems is the widespread belief that salt is inherently unhealthy. Warnings about eating too much salt are...

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The Sweet Treat Secret to Flexible Arteries

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you have problems keeping your blood pressure under control, chances are you’re suffering from something called arterial stiffness. Arterial stiffness is just what it sounds like. Your arteries (the blood vessels that carry blood away from your heart) lose their flexibility and stiffen up. When your blood vessels are...

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Dodge Blood Sugar Issues with THIS Gut Bug Favorite

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, You suspect you might be having blood sugar issues. Maybe you’ve had the classic signs of increased hunger, fatigue, and urination. Or perhaps you’ve felt shaky and had headaches. But regardless of what symptoms send you to see the doc when you mention blood sugar problems, you know what’s going...

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The “EAT MORE FAT” Secret to Staying Slim

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,   Thanks to DECADES of mainstream nutritional misinformation, Americans are terrified of fat. They fear eating fat even though sugar and vegetable oils are the true villains. And I’ve yet to meet an American that doesn’t believe all body fat is bad, too. Of course, you don’t want to carryi around...

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MAILBAG! 3 Secrets to a Long Healthy Life

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, What do you think are the top 3 things one can do to live a long life? –Mary from Milford, CT Hi Mary, Thanks for your excellent question! When you asked for the TOP three, it really stumped me at first. We can do so many things to live longer...

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