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Toxic Ingredient Ups Diabetes Risk?!

We all know that processed food is bad for us.   The mountains of refined sugar and cheap salt can make you gain weight… mess with your heart… and even impact your brain.   Now, it looks like these foods could be doing even more damage to your body.   Because researchers have found that a popular ingredient...

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Kidney Stone Culprit Hiding in Your Medicine Cabinet?!

Dear Reader,  If you’ve ever dealt with the pain of a kidney stone before, you know they’re no joke.   So, when a good friend of mine had to repeatedly take their 15-year old son to the emergency room for kidney stones, you can imagine how concerned we all were.   Aside from the fact that, kidney stones are...

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Bring Joint Pain to a Screeching Halt!

Dear Reader,  Have you thought about putting up your Christmas lights yet? Maybe you have, or maybe you’re waiting until after Thanksgiving… or maybe you’re questioning if you’re doing it at ALL this year.  And less face it, if you have joint pain, the thought of hanging lights, getting on a ladder, and putting up a tree is downright unbearable.   When...

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Hidden Factor in COVID-19 Risk?

Dear Reader,  At first, the idea seemed downright crazy.   Scientists investigating those who got COVID-19 and those who didn’t (including the different types of outcomes…) found that one thing in particular could make a huge difference.   Sure, we all know by now that preexisting conditions — overweight, diabetes, heart disease — slant the odds against you.   But this has the potential to determine if you get sick and how sick you become.   I’m sure we’re all just about sick and tired of the...

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COVID-19: Lingers 9 Hours on This Surface?

Dear Reader,  You’ve probably heard that COVID-19 can last for a long time on certain surfaces….  Some studies show the virus can last for four hours on copper, up to 24 on cardboard, and maybe three days on plastic and stainless steel and glass.   But a new study shows that it can last for a long time on a surface you probably never think about.    Your skin.   Incredibly enough researchers in Japan have discovered that...

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Defective Pacemakers Killing Seniors?!

Dear Reader,  If you’re one of the millions of Americans with a pacemaker, you already know how much you rely on this little machine.   It helps your heart beat stay regular… and can even save your life.   And when you mainstream doc assures you that your battery will last six or more years… and you will...

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“Green Trick” Beats Colon Cancer?!

Dear Reader, When you hear about the incredible cancer survival stories, colon cancer is RARELY on the list. The sad part is, it’s one cancer we are seeing more of (especially in younger people). Colon cancer a has five-year survival rate of only 63 percent (which is not good). But the good news is, researchers...

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Show-Stopper Vitamin Halts Colon Cancer?!

Dear Reader,  When Harold came to see me about his colon cancer, it wasn’t because he wanted to.   It’s because his wife made him.   And it’s a good thing she did.   Harold’s mainstream doctor was about to start him on standard chemotherapy… but NEVER told him about the one miracle vitamin he should get more of during...

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“Forbidden” Food Lowers Blood Pressure?!

Dear Reader,  When it comes to protecting your heart, the mainstream will tell you to give up all of your favorite foods.   No more fried chicken… or cupcakes… or even delicious cheeses.   Some of this isn’t bad advice, but they’ve got it all wrong when it comes to a certain banned food.   You see, new...

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Drug-Free Sciatica Treatment that WORKS! 

Dear Reader,  Do you have numbness in your feet?   Does it sometimes feel like it’s shooting down the side of your leg?  This kind of shooting pain can make it hard to stand. You might even have a constant pain on one side of your tush or even a burning, tingling sensation down your leg.    Often times, it gets worse when you’re sitting.  If any of the above...

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