Mysterious Belly Link to Alzheimer’s REVEALED
A new study on Alzheimer’s reads a lot like a good detective story… Researchers followed a “wild” hunch, and the clues they uncovered revealed a potential new culprit behind the mystery of this devastating disease. Now, their breakthrough discovery has us looking at the belly INSTEAD of the brain. Until the early 1980s, one of...
Protect Your Brain Against POOR Diet Choices
Most of us want to eat a healthy diet. But I get it. That’s FAR easier said than done. Processed foods are cheap, readily available, and convenient. They fit perfectly into our busy lifestyle. Besides, if you’re like many folks, your appetite started to shrink as you headed into your senior years. So, grabbing a...
Protein WARS: The FINAL Answer on Animal vs. Plant
For years, the “protein war” has raged on. People want to know if animal or plant protein is better for reaching their health and fitness goals. And to say there are some very strong opinions on BOTH sides is putting it mildly. So, let’s answer the question once and for all… Many of us have...
“Forest Fix” CONQUERS Chronic UTIs
“Oh no, here we go again…” It’s your first exasperated thought when you feel the tell-tale twinge of yet another urinary tract infection (UTI). Because when you’re a frequent flyer on the UTI Express, you know the signs. The pain, urgency, cloudiness, and smell are a dead giveaway. If you suffer from chronic UTIs, you’re...
Mailbag: Tips to Support Someone with Dementia
“My mom is in a home and declining with dementia. Is there anything I can do to make her comfortable or make things easier?” -Beth Hi Beth, I certainly sympathize with your situation. It can be difficult to figure out how to help when you’re not directly involved in a declining parent’s care. But even...
Simple Sitting Fix REVERSES Damage
If you’re a regular Living Well Daily reader, you know how I feel about sitting. It’s one of the WORST things you can do for your health! Sitting a lot sends your risk for developing illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes SOARING. And, frankly, it will shorten your stay on this earth. But you...
Smoking Accelerates Shocking Brain Aging Symptom
You don’t need me to tell you our bodies change as we age. Some of those changes occur on the outside where we can see them, such as graying hair, wrinkles, and sagging skin. However, others are hidden inside, like the wear and tear on our joints or our intestines not absorbing nutrients as well...
Red Fruit Fix for Hypertension!
Concerned about your blood pressure? Forget that apple-a-day stuff! It turns out that another fruit (or is it a vegetable?) might be JUST what the doctor ordered for hypertension. Tomatoes are technically a fruit. But they’re considered vegetables by nutritionists. And, according to new research, they could be the solution to keeping your blood pressure...
The Snacking Habit that’s HARMING Your Health
Do you know what’s really changed in the last few decades? Well, besides cell phones, self-driving cars, and the endless 24/7 news cycle. Snacks! Our snacking habits have been completely transformed. And NOT for the better. Snacking has gone from an occasional treat to folks gobbling down two, three, or even FOUR snacks daily. You...
Germ Magnet Puts YOU at Risk (GROSS!)
If you weren’t already a “germaphobe” before COVID-19 arrived, there’s a good chance you became one after… well, for a while anyway. We ALL turned into clean freaks during the height of the pandemic. And it wasn’t just the constant hand washing, either. (Which I hope you’re STILL doing.) If you were like a lot...