Don’t Spend All Day in the Gym [Do THIS Instead]

All too often, when you hear about the health benefits of exercise, the lecture comes from a super-fit, intimidating athlete. You know the type. A Joe Health Nut who obsessively exercises every waking moment of his life. (Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they do it in their sleep too.) Trying to meet such high...

Red Meat Once Again Given a Clean Bill of Health

If you’re old enough, you’re ALSO lucky enough to recall a time when red meat wasn’t considered the enemy. Up until the mid to late 1950s, it was understood that red meat wasn’t JUST mouthwateringly delicious…  it was ALSO a valuable source of nutrition. And saturated fat wasn’t the bogeyman it was suddenly being portrayed...

Blood Sugar Problem Often Goes Overlooked

“Everyone talks about high blood sugar. What are tricks for low blood sugar?” – Tom Hi Tom, A common cause of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is taking too much insulin or another glucose-lowering drug. These drugs reduce blood sugar, but they can cause it to drop TOO low depending on… when you eat, how many...

[ALERT] Poor Sleep Can RUIN Your Golden Years

We tend to take sleep for granted. Well, until we’re no longer getting ENOUGH of it, that is. It’s not unusual to start having sleep issues as we age. In fact, it’s SO common that folks often chalk it up to “getting older” and they ignore it. But that’s dangerous. And not just because you...

Belly Troubles? Skip the Pill, Try THIS

Seasons EATINGS! It’s a few weeks into the holiday season, and I ALREADY feel as stuffed as a Christmas Turkey. And I don’t know about you… but all the rich food has MY tummy giving me a bit of trouble. Anyone can get indigestion from time to time, of course. But if there’s no known...

BELLY Secret Dials DOWN Blood Pressure

A staggering 40 percent of the world’s population has high blood pressure. And all of those folks are at a significantly higher risk for developing related conditions, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. Doctors typically treat high blood pressure with drugs. But these meds have some disturbing side effects. So, if they can be...

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“Mini Pleasures” Method BOOSTS Brain Power

Maybe it’s the midafternoon slump when your mind starts to wander… Or perhaps it’s that fuzzy-headed feeling you get when burning the midnight oil. Whatever the cause, your brain power is fading fast. If you’re like many folks (including me), that’s when you head to the coffee machine. But caffeine isn’t the only way to...

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Common Habit Sends You to An EARLY Grave

Sitting is DEADLY. Yes, I know that sounds extreme. But it’s also true. Sitting for long periods forces your body into a position that isn’t natural. Do it too long, and it harms your health. Too much sitting reduces circulation, weakens bones, tightens muscles, triggers blood sugar issues, and, ultimately, SHORTENS your life. And you…...

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5 Cortisol Calmers SLASH Stress NATURALLY

Wait… the holidays are supposed to be relaxing, right? So, why is it they often feel anything BUT? From now until New Years can feel like a footrace you’re about to lose. Now that we’ve made it through Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday the pressure is REALLY on. And all that stress doesn’t just...

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Mailbag: The TRUTH About Massage and Acupuncture

“What’s your take on massages? Acupuncture? Are they worth the hype? I can’t imagine they’d do that much for your health.” – Pete As with many things, massage and acupuncture ARE effective when used for the right conditions. Massage therapy has many proven health benefits, including… lowering stress, relieving muscle pain and tension, improving circulation,...

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New Study Drives ANOTHER Nail into Statin’s Coffin

Statins are the MOST commonly prescribed drug in the United States. They’re taken by MILLIONS to lower cholesterol and prevent heart attack and stroke. But a new study published in the British Medical Journal links these drugs to elevated blood sugars and a raised diabetes risk again. That’s right… AGAIN! Because the Food and Drug...

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7 Spices to BANISH Gas and Bloating Naturally

The holidays are a time for indulging in delicious food. But sometimes, the aftermath of a rich meal can cause bloating, leaving you feeling gassy and uncomfortable. This year, keep your digestive system running smoothly with the magic of anti-bloating spices you may ALREADY have in your kitchen. Adding a pinch of the RIGHT spices...

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Powerful MEMORY Protection in Your Morning Mug

I’ll bet you dime to donuts you’ve never heard of trigonelline. The compound’s not exactly a household word. But despite never having heard of it, there’s also a good chance this nutrient is ALREADY part of your daily diet. If that’s the case, that’s fantastic because it has some exciting benefits… But you may want...

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6 Science-Backed Immune BOOSTERS

We all look forward to the fun and excitement of the holidays. But this season can ALSO take a toll on your health. Keeping up with social obligations, the cost of food and gifts, and the sadness of missing loved ones who are no longer here to celebrate can all send your stress levels soaring....

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PET Scans Reveal SHOCKING Food Revelation

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is filled with food, family, and fun. The LAST thing I want to do is put a damper on today’s festivities. But on a food-focused holiday like today, I can’t help but think about our relationship with food these days. We know more about HOW to eat to stay...

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Survive Thanksgiving WITHOUT Gaining Weight

We all LOVE Thanksgiving. But the day after? Not so much. If you’re like many folks, you’ll spend this Friday wondering how in the heck you ate all that food. And absolutely TERRIFIED of setting foot on the scale. Sliding your scale under the bathroom sink until Groundhog Day might seem like a good solution....

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Mailbag: Is Oil or Butter Better? The FINAL Answer

“Which is healthier to cook with? Oil or butter?” -Jackie from Harrisburg, PA Dear Jackie, Sometimes, I sit on the fence about an issue. Butter versus oil is NOT one of those. Butter wins EVERY time. The easiest way to understand why butter is better is to look at nature. If you could erase all...

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Say "No Thanks" to THESE 4 Thanksgiving Foods

Feel that? Thanksgiving is just a few days away, and EXCITEMENT is in the air. Turkey Day is the official start of the holiday season. And you know what that means. We’ll be gobbling down all our favorite foods until New Year’s… and THEN we’ll resolve to start eating better again. Because, let’s face it,...

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BAN Bloat Over the Holidays [TOP 7 Triggers]

The holiday season is jam-packed with tasty temptations, from mouthwatering main courses to decadent desserts. But loading up on certain foods can leave you feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Knowing which are MOST likely to trigger tummy troubles BEFORE you indulge can help you keep the celebration going. When presented with so many rich and delicious...

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Artificial Light HARMS Your Health [SHOCKING!]

Nature almost always gets it right. But when humans try to follow in its footsteps…well, let’s just say we OFTEN fail miserably. A glaring example is how we try to mimic daylight in our homes. Artificial lights just don’t cut it to support our health. And now a new study reveals one MORE critical reason...

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