Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

Scientific Illustration of a virus cell.

Potential COVID-19 Treatment Interacts with THIS Popular Drug

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Have you heard of the new anti-viral drug that is supposed to put a stop to COVID? The drug, called ritonavir-nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid), is all over the news… and people are clamoring to get it when they or a loved one are struggling with a COVID-19 infection. Things have been moving...

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Older and younger woman smiling holding hands.

This Condition More Than DOUBLES Your Risk of Dementia

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, When it comes to fighting dementia, it can feel like the world is against you. There’s pollution in the air, toxins in your food, and pills that can steal your memory. And now, there’s yet another startling health concern that could cause dementia. Researchers have found that this condition could...

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stack of stamped envelopes.

Mailbag! DO THIS to Get a Strong Memory

What are your tips for keeping a strong memory? –Sandra from Tulsa, OK Sandra, Keeping our memories as we age is not that hard, but we do have to work at it. There are a few things folks can do to put those worries at bay. First, you want to make sure to keep busy....

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Landscape view of a vinyard.

“Vineyard Seed” Is the SECRET to Better Aging

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Remember sitting in your high school biology class and hearing about cells? Your teacher probably taught you that they go through three stages: birth, growth, and death. But here’s the strange thing… certain cells in your body forget that last step and refuse to die. These “zombie cells” (the technical...

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Woman reading a paper looking stressed.

Could Pandemic Stress CHANGE Your Brain?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of drastic changes. It forced us to isolate ourselves for long periods of time… it caused many businesses to go under… and it stole millions of lives. COVID-19 has also changed our bodies as well, in ways no one expected. And that includes...

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Heart reading graphic.

Your Heart Rate Could PREDICT This Dangerous Disease

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Athletes are strange people… They pay attention to things that most people do not concern themselves with. For many years, athletes have paid attention to their resting heart rate, and they compare them like bowling or golfing scores. But now, there’s good reason for EVERYONE to know what their resting...

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doctor with patient

This Weird Diet Trick Could SHRINK Tumors!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Ask your mainstream doc what causes cancer and he’ll rattle off the same old tired answers: your diet… your genes… and your environment. And he’s not exactly wrong. These things can all damage your health. But he’s leaving out another major factor when it comes to who gets cancer… and...

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spilled pills on a table top.

These 2 Mainstream Drugs INCREASE Cancer Risk!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Time and again, Big Pharma has duped innocent customers. They have a stranglehold on mainstream medicine, because many folks feel like they don’t have a choice but to take these dangerous drugs. And if there’s one thing I try to get across to my readers, it’s that there are always...

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Stamped envelopes.

Mailbag! Learn How to STOP Painful Cramping and Diarrhea

I always seem to have issues with my stomach and have frequent cramps and diarrhea. What can I do to feel better? –Renata from White Sulphur Springs, WV Renata, There’s an old saying in medicine that doctors should look for horses before they look for zebras. That is, a doctor should look for something common...

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Woman laying in bed.

Sleeping Like THIS Could Up Your COVID-19 Risk

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It’s no secret that COVID-19 is with us for good. We all have to start thinking of it more like the common cold, where you can get it more than once. As always, staying healthy is your best bet to avoid some of the worse complications of COVID-19. We quickly...

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