Neglecting Your Teeth Could Be DEADLY
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’m guessing I probably don’t have to tell you to brush your teeth. Most adults put toothpaste on their brush and shake it around their mouths at least twice a day. This helps you keep your smile bright, your breath fresh, and (of course) avoid getting cavities. But now, there’s...
Pandemic Isolation TRIGGERING More Disease?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Loneliness is a problem way too many of us face – especially as we grow older. Friends and family move away and some pass on over time. And one of the big problems with social isolation is that it creeps up on us slowly, so we sort of get used...
Mainstream Treatment SPREADS Breast Cancer?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, there’s one sentence you never want to hear… The cancer has metastasized. When cancer metastasizes, it means it’s spread to other parts of your body, making treatment even harder. Suddenly you’ve gone from fighting an isolated battle to waging a full-scale war, on...
Delicious Treat SLASHES High Blood Pressure
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Trying to get the perfect blood pressure can really wear you down. The never-ending hours on the treadmill… the risky drugs from your mainstream doc… And what does it get you? Some barely-moved numbers and a long list of side effects. Plus, all the stress of managing it just ends up...
[Warning] AVOID This Public Bathroom Hazard
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Who would’ve imagined that we would still be fighting COVID-19 in 2022? And who would’ve EVER imagined that something we were taught in kindergarten is still the best way to keep everyone safe. I’m talking about washing our hands. And while washing your hands is “hands down” one of your...
FIGHT Pain Pill Dependence with This Simple Strategy
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Have you noticed how often we turn to pills for help? If we’re uncomfortable – too sad, too tired, or in pain – chances are, you reach for a pill. And it’s not that I’m blaming you… it’s the way our profit-driven mainstream healthcare is set up. The problem with...
[ALERT] Poisonous Food Additive FOUND in… Birthday Cake!?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Cakes sure aren’t what they used to be! I hate to sound so cranky, but when I was a kid a “special” cake was one that had a different flavored icing than the cake. I mean, chocolate cake with vanilla icing – THAT was crazy. Today it’s different. There’s cakes...
Easy Listening Trick SPEEDS UP Heart Surgery Recovery
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re in line for heart surgery, there’s a lot on your mind… to say the least. There’s the recovery… then the bill… then, of course, your worry about the outcome. It all ends up producing a lot of anxiety before you even reach the operating table! There’s also the...
[Men] Could Your Workout KILL You!?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Studies sometimes surprise even me. I’ve known for a long time that exercise is good for many conditions, including diabetes. But I never would’ve never guessed that a particular workout could be bad for people with diabetes… especially men. Yet, a new study has uncovered something alarming. Working out at...
REVEALED: Hospitals Prescribing DANGEROUS Drug!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Reading to your grandchildren is just about as good as it can get. And if you’re lucky enough to get to often, you’ve probably read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. The moral of this classic children’s story? Things that seem simple can get out of control… FAST. And...